I went to pen shows a couple of times with a fellow pen fan. There were just so many dealers of pens, inks, cleaning supplies, etc., etc. What I found amazing was how much money you could spend on a fountain pen–around $10,000 or more.
Exactly this. With a ballpoint pen I tend to use too much pressure, pressure got to stop, too much pressure, it’s getting to my head, too much pressure, they’re giving me hard times…
This never happens with a fountain pen.
The gel thingies are a workable compromise for me, though. I think it has something to do with the flow of the ink.
I use red for taking off points on exams, and green for giving them back when regrading.
After a nasty experience several years ago, I began using green to number my exam copies before giving them out and purple to (separately) number them when they are turned in. For large classes (40+ students), it makes it easier to keep track of how many students showed up for an exam and how many of those actually turned their exams in.