Yep. Same
1 - I’ve never listened to a vynil record.
Neither have I, but I have listened to a vinyl record.
Trump will put an end to that.
I got one! The typewriter. Unless you count tapping around on one like a toy without actually using it to write something. I’m old enough to have done that.
One of my first jobs was delivering flowers, and I used a paper map to find my way around town. You’d think people would care about making sure their house numbers were posted and visible in an age where nobody has GPS that can park you precisely in front of the correct house, but nope. They were apparently just for decoration, like a lawn flamingo, and thus completely optional.
Zero, as long as we are not too literal about the Blockbuster.
No sheep lung? Boo!
You can have mine.
1 - Never sent a postcard to anyone, but i rarely mail things to begin with
Never got a subscription to a magazine from the card inside?
Nah. I’ve never mailed something out to get a subscription for anything. Think the only magazine subscription i ever had was GameInformer and got that through Gamestop.
What the hell is a vynil record?
Oh god, it’s stuck in my head now… AGGGHAHHAH…
Me too! That’s some evil sorcery right there
I got a 2. No typewriter and I never recorded onto a cassette from the radio
Oh, my dog. Late nights typing up papers.