The drawing style reminds me of the great Gustave Dore.
That’s who it is. It is from Dore illustrations to The Devine Comedy (Dante, rather than Neil Hannon)
I’m not familiar with that artist… I assumed it was someone known… so… maybe?
@euansmith thanks! I’ve always loved it… I think my hubby has an old shirt with that design on it.
Ah ha!
My parents had a big volume of Paradise Lost with his illustrations. They blew me away on many a quiet afternoon.
Oh, those are gorgeous!
Is this available as a pdf? No reason, just wondering.
I’m sure if you look hard enough, you could find it as a pdf!
That’s the t-shirt I had!
I’ll take a peek.
Congratulations, you just outed yourself as a Gen X outsider! Aren’t we all tho…
It’s comforting to know that there’s something I don’t have to worry about. Especially this week.
Me too. I stabbed myself with a Globe Bowl Pointed nib between my 4th and 5th fingers. Dot is still there.