Spoilers work better if you say why they’re there, for the record. Here for instance you could say there is someone who should not be seen in public, and also a nude woman.
I emailed that frankly terrifying pic to D, and asked, “Do these now pass for culture in these so-called United States?”
Wait… She got back together with that asshat? REALLY? I mean… Pete Davidson was a better partner…
The dress doesn’t bother me, though. It’s fine. It’s just her body, who cares…
Its not Kim Kardashian, its “Kim 2.0”. Almost identical though.
Oh, wow… I really thought it was her… Dude needs help.
If she arrived on her own and wore this to an event, I’d have no issue. But my gut feeling is that she was bullied into wearing it by him. He’s such a controlling asshole.
ETA: I found this on reddit. The comments just serve to further prove the point. It’s a pretty meta post.
I’ve got all the oofs that I need. Can someone please point me toward the “America Da-ing” store?
Model? Isn’t she an architect?
I’m sure she can be two things at once.
Maybe it’s just me, but I’d lead with architect and/or business women. It isn’t mentioned in that short blurb, but is in the 1st sentence of the link.
I’ve been thinking – let’s create an AI to replace a CEO. I’m sure it could be done a lot easier than the employee-replacement ones. Cheaper than a real CEO too.
At least someone should say they’ve made one, just to rile up the executives.