Fuck Today, Reboot Edition

Fuck tomorrow. Open heart surgery, mitral valve repair (annuloplasty). See you on the other side.


Best of luck!!!


I hope you have the best modern medicine available, kind people around you, and a speedy recovery.


Please report back!!! Hope it’s a big success.


This week is going to be rough. Pushed up a major deployment pilot and I feel like I’m still bolting the wings on as the plane is going down the runway.


Big success. Difficult. Mostly out of the woods and doing well. See Victory! 🌷💥🎆🎉😎 I'm a Rockstar!


I managed to walk directly into a closed door at full speed this morning. Wasn’t even looking at my cell phone or anything. I’m the first to arrive at work, with the lights off, and a door was closed that has always been open in the 5 years I’ve worked here. My glasses got shoved into my brow and nose hard enough to disorient me. Nothing’s broken or bleeding except my dignity, but not the most pleasant way to start the workday.


I almost did that at a store this weekend in broad daylight. Leaving the store I was assuming the doors would automatically part and allow my egress and only at the last second did I see the crash bar and realize that I had to open these doors manually.

Yeah, that’d have been fun to watch on surveillance.


But…but…your avatar handle.


I guess it only applies to physical damage.


For whatever reason I haven’t been feeling so hot the last couple weeks. Depressed-ish. Serious lack of cotton-candy moments. It’ll pass. I’m probably just tripping about my taxes or something.


I finally got around to doing the blasted things. I know that had been bringing me down the last week or so. Not as bad as last year, but I’m a bit … perturbed … by some tasks that were not done in 2017 that I had been told had been.

Oh, well, such is the fate of the Middle Class DINK.

I owe, I owe, So off to work I go.


One of our 4 cats, Talia, was diagnosed a few days ago with lymphoma. Treatable, with remission rate of 67% whatever that means, but two meds (which haven’t arrived yet) need to be given, to a cat who may or may not be cooperative. She’s 10, more or less, so will probably have fewer years left than we’d hoped. But who knows.



Sitting in a wet chair, my only one, because my cat Tasha prefers to drink out of any water source over her water dish.

I think I forgot to empty my cup last night. It was on the floor this morning, with a wet seat cushion on the chair. With my nasal polyps, I can’t smell it to be sure. Please don’t let it be urine. :worried:


Our cat Dyson uses his box only for #2. For #1, he uses the wall or carpet. We have puppy pee pads taped in the places that he has informed us that he uses.

Can you get those polyps removed? My dad had them, and also had anosmia.


Twice now. They’re just going to come back. I do realize how dangerous Prednisone is, but I simply wish I could take a low dosage for life.

ETA: For clarity, my polyps are rather aggressive, and nothing did so much good for me as Prednisone. When I take it, all my current physical problems disappear (polyps, asthma, sebhorreaic dermatitis, etc.) and I feel great.
I know it might be making my bones brittle or mean a future heart attack, but I did have extensive studies done around the time of my second surgery to rule out Churg-Strauss syndrome, and the pulmonologist said I was in great shape otherwise. I’d much rather have a shorter, more fulfilling life than deal with this crap for a long, miserable one that includes sinus surgery every year or so.


Too many deadlines.

Too many projects.

Too many special cases.

Too many priorities.

Too much ambiguity.

Okay. Back to work.


Students ask me to come in to meet with me and then don’t tell me that they don’t need me too until I’m already here…


Today marks the sixth month I have been living out of a suitcase at my mother’s in Maine due to different maladies. A month ago she fractured her hip. Right now it looks like I will probably have to give up my apartment in Boston and stay here. I have dreaded this for years. She is 91 and I swear she will outlive us all.


Or turn up having done none of the prep work that might allow them to have a productive meeting.