Fuck Today, Reboot Edition

If Only I’d Known. :grin:


I pronounce it Donkey Hole


I don’t care. I mean, why waste time worry about them when they don’t return the favor?

YES. That. And how just beautifully sweet of him that was to do that!

This is what I see in my head. Kind of like to have along with my garage sale ZOMG YOU JUST GAVE ME AN IDEA!!!

I guess with having a garage sale, so yeah, I already am, lol.


It’s a polygon, lol!

And Erma Bombeck. She fought long and hard for ERA, but who remembers that?

I can’t do that. Because I don’t know how. But the rest would be no problem. And there’s always…INTERPRETIVE DANCE, lol.


Y’know, a celebration of Erma Bombeck would be an angle. Because you’re right.


I’ve always wanted to do a one-woman show based on her life and her books - but I’m too tall, lol.

I could, however, do one celebrating her life and her books, so no impersonation necessary.


Finally made it to the body shop today. $3300 and 2 weeks is the current estimate. My deductible is $300 and I’ll need to pay 80% of whatever the rental car ends up being so I’m probably going to end up being a good $500-600 out of pocket when it’s all said and done, and that’s assuming my insurance rates don’t go up as a result of my claim.

I contacted security at work to ask if they could check their camera footage for the time period I was at the office on the day my car was hit, and they basically told me to go pound sand. (Not that I expected anything different but it still stung. They were all like, “we would expect someone to leave a note - sorry they didn’t, but we won’t help you.”)

On the upside an old ding in my rear quarter panel will now automatically get fixed, so… yay for that?


Happened to me a couple years back. Someone backed into my car while I was grocery shopping. I know exactly who it was, because the paint and location of the dent matched a white van that was behind me but left. Supermarket staff wouldn’t review the tapes or even admit they had tapes.

This seems to be a common thing. If there’s a hit and run in a parking lot, you’re on your own.


I got a real punch in the feels today.

Luckily, I’m on a Prednisone high right now, and not feeling poorly.

So I went to the doctor because my asthma medication lapsed, and my polyps had grown back and were oozing like crazy. Got the Prednisone scrip.

ANYHOW, as I was running errands like this one today, I was telling everyone I knew in TJ (and many strangers) about the “super-secret” ICE anti-immigration action planned for this weekend, so they could alert family members.
And my doctor was one of the people I advised. You know, the one I almost dated. The one who saved my life when I almost died in the pharmacy Thanksgiving weekend. The one who told me when I explained my reasons for wanting to be more involved in socialist change, said I had “a good heart”.

It turns out she has no family in the US cities targeted, so good for her. But as I explained what ICE was planning, she kind of gave me this response of, “So what?”
We discussed it as I explained to her how the situation at the border and in major cities was devolving rapidly, and people were not getting fair and honest representation. She countered with how the immigrants should know what they’re getting themselves into, and how they’re creating such a burden on border cities like TJ. I came back with how much of the situation was descended from an unjust, racist “war on drugs” created by the US, and that it was largely our fault.
The conversation descended into a discussion on personal vs social responsibility, and it came that she doesn’t even like kids. Finds them annoying.
The woman whose office is plastered with drawings by kids, working in an office which is primarily serving families, giving me the conservative talking points and a half-smile that says, “Sorry, not sorry.” or “What can you do?”

I must not have been able to hide my reaction, because she said she could see how I felt. How I felt was that I could have started crying on the spot, because this facade of concern and trust I’d thought I’d seen in her was crumbling away at that very moment.

God it hurts to see behind the curtain, sometimes. Especially those who you hold up as examples of good.


I have never understood this attitude. Did she find herself annoying when she was a kid? They’re kids, not a separate species. The ones that are annoying tend to grow up to be annoying adults; it’s not the age that’s the differentiator.

In general the conservative viewpoint shows a lack of systemic thinking.

I wonder which countries would come to Mexico’s aid if the US decided to invade. Or didn’t invade as such, but got a lot worse at respecting the border.


That’s painful, very disappointing. Sorry to hear that.

The staff at my primary care doc are as best I can tell all God, Guns and Tucker Carlson people. I’ve accepted it and still get good care, but there’s a thick invisible wall between us.


Remember when Jim Carrey played Andy Kaufman? You should totes do Erma Bombeck!


As much as Erma would probably’ve adored having someone tall and leggy portray her, I think it would be a sin. Like Bette Midler protraying Jacqueline Susann (now, HER I could pull off!) Plus, I got rid of all of my mom’s 1970s polyester garments!


I wouldn’t be able to handle that. I’d leave in disgust.


When living in the States, I would flip the script and demand a POC doctor.


I understand the attitude. I don’t like children now, and I didn’t when I too was supposedly a child.

But, on the other hand, I definitely wouldn’t put them in concentration camps.


I certainly believe there are a great many people on this side of the border who are ignorant of the atrocities being committed, as there are in the States.


Eh, David Bowie played the Elephant Man with no prosthetic makeup in the stage play. According to a teacher of mine who saw him perform, it was amazing.

Compared to Bowie vs the Elephant Man, you’re much closer to Bombeck.



I have that album…I think I still do, that is. I was reading her stuff when I was 12 and lemme tell ya, she helped me a LOT when it came to actually being a mother - and a mom…and a chauffeur…ad nauseum, lol.

And yes, I still have it. Guy bought a stack of LPs today and hers was underneath those. I brought it in the house.