Genderbender: Sexual Identity and Gender Identity

Pretty much anything Ray Blanchard says is bullshit anyhow.


On the Trump Administration:


I believe the New York Times article is the original source of this. As one of my Facebook friends noted, we’ve become a bit inured to the use of hyperbolic headlines on the internet these days, but seeing such a dire headline in the newspaper of record itself, still gives one pause…

‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration


What the fuck is wrong with this administration? Why are they seemingly so fixated on legislating against trans people and their existence? I just don’t get it. It’s so clear that gender is not defined by “genitals at or near birth”. This whole administration… so enraging.


I think I could probably give you a shorter list if you asked “What the fuck isn’t wrong with this administration?”


I think the cruelty is the point. I’ve been told that I am hysterical and over reacting, but I feel that they are trying to get to death camps, and this is just a stop on the way. If trans folks are re-defined as not-people, it will make their eventual deaths easier to swallow.

You are absolutely correct. Rage is the only response, especially in the face of being lectured on civility. Fuck that.


We’re an easy target, who their base love to hate, and the moderates love to regard as extreme identity politics. “Why do these people insist on existing?”

Without accurate documentation we’re extremely vulnerable. Which means if the administration decides to revoke our documentation, we’re even more vulnerable. In the Obama administration it was easier to get accurate passports than accurate state ids. Many states don’t allow accurate state ids.


The sad thing is I think the child separation camps are already at that level and I have no frickin clue what to do about it.


I’m right there with you.


I don’t even know what to say about this. It feels like a declaration of war against me and my brother personally. But honestly I think it’s a different kind of cruelty – a casual and callous act against people he doesn’t think are real, rather than intentionally setting out to hurt somebody out of simple sadism. He probably thinks he’s hurting Obama and “owning the libs”, while also pandering to his Nazi buddies and playing the Republican “values” card.

To quote somebody wise, “fuck that guy.”


The cruelty is the point. Exactly. It’s so easy to be kind, so simple, but instead, they will dig in their heels and fight for hate.


I keep telling people that the Nazis did exactly the same thing. and tell them about Magnus Hirschfeld and what happened to his Institut für Sexualwissenschaft in 1933 (one of the original book burnings, except for the records which were kept and used to round up LGBT people for the camps). I feel like some of them don’t believe me though.


Yes, the Nazification of America is getting serious and seriously scary. When Trump won, it was terrifying, but I thought things would be the usual normal Republican crap - douchey but tolerable, undoable in 4 more years. But, things are getting so scary so fast.


My guess is that he (and the rest of the Old White Guys in his administration) can’t see past the end of his privileged nose, and so he can’t conceive of people who don’t feel comfortable in their own body. Therefore, they’re either not telling the truth, or not people, or both.

And once you make someone a malicious actor or an unperson, then you don’t just lose any sense that you’re hurting a good person, which might make you feel bad; on the contrary, if you feel anything for hurting a “bad person” or unperson, you’re probably going to feel good about it.

And, increasingly, with the kind of people who follow Trump, everyone who is not explicitly on their team is falling into one of those two categories.


I think some of these WASPish old guys actually are really uncomfortable in their own bodies, for various reasons but mostly due to “sex and bodies = dirty.” A lot of this animosity is due to their own fear based on never having examined their sexuality.


I totally agree that’s a major part of it.

And then another major part is absurdly strict gender norming and misogyny.

I became trans-sympathetic before I’d ever met a trans person (that I knew was trans at least). And it was from assholes yelling transphobic slurs at me (or the stupid, “are you a man or a woman?”) from cars as I walked down the sidewalk.

I’m not especially butch-looking, just on the tall side. And I know that kind of verbal abuse is a drop in the bucket compared to what actual trans people put up with, but it was an effective inoculation, let’s say.

If you’re born with female genitalia and dare get uppity and make yourself out to be a man (er, because that’s your gender), they freak out. If you’re born with male genitalia and give up that privilege freely because by gender you’re a woman, they freak out.

It’s a total conservative snowflake move, because it’s all about misogyny and anxiety for preserving male privilege.


Must admit to thinking much the same thing even as I was asking what is so wrong with the administration!


“Rage is the only response”. Wish I could :heart: this a thousand times!


My therapist was telling me that it’s pretty typical in her office than any kind of high emotion causes the men to totally melt down. It’s been a big lesson to realize how few emotional skills men in our society are taught.