Get your game on!

Technically correct, but surely entirely by accident. It definitely doesn’t feel like the best kind of correct in this instance. Rogue-like implies that there is a certain degree of dissimilarity to Rogue.


Decide to poke at the Bard’s Tale remaster, played (but not beat) BT1 and BT2 on C64 way back in the day. So the original ran on a 1 MHz computer, and this makes the fan on my 2.2 GHz run while playing? :person_facepalming:


Finished Episode Aigis of Persona 3 Reload. I really don’t recommend it all. The story points really do pack a punch, but they’re so few and far between, the payoff isn’t worth it; just watch the various cutscenes online somewhere.

It is almost entirely just Tartarus runs, with short cut scenes every 25-40 floors. That’s it. You have to be really enamored of the combat to do this. It actually felt like less of a grind to go back to earlier areas to grind for Elizabeth’s requests and levels for the final boss than actually getting to the bottom of the dungeon.


I remember playing The Answer chapter for Persona 3: FES on the PS2. As much as I loved P3 and really wanted to see the true conclusion to the story, I just couldn’t do it. I played for like 10 hours and it was abject misery. The difficulty was insane, and it was so grindy. It was not fun at all. I did love the dungeon music and the layers it added as you progressed through the levels. (This was something I loved about the main game dungeons as well.) I eventually decided fuck it and moved on to something else.

After playing through P3R last year (pre-DLC), I have thought about revisiting it for Episode Aigis, but it seems like it’s more of the same so I might just skip it and watch a YouTube compilation of the cut scenes.

I don’t remember what happened originally, but I remember it being quite soul crushing. For a game that was already pretty damn soul crushing, I’m not sure I can handle more of that right now.


Soul crushing is right, you might want to skip the scenes for a while.

About a quarter to a half of the way through, I decided to switch to the easiest level and just kind of plow through, skipping the doors. Got to the bottom level 75’ish, and still needed to grind to make it through the end. A few reapers level-capped me and the final battles weren’t bad after that.


At least you can adjust the difficulty. The Answer from P3:FES was notoriously punishing, and the difficulty couldn’t be changed. At least if I decide to pursue it in the future (maybe I’ll try to do another P3 run to get the achievements I’m missing), I’ll try it again. But I might be done for good with P3. It’s too dark and depressing for me these days, and the constant gun/suicide metaphors haven’t aged particularly well.

To me, the benchmark of the series will always be Persona 4 Golden (at least until something better comes out in the future). That game was just so fucking good, and yeah, it was plenty dark, but at the same time very uplifting. I just love that game so much.


Guess I’m not the target audience for that article. I’ve played all of 'em. Finished 4 of 'em.


I feel like it has a very definite age group in mind, because Doom, Half-life, and Zelda are…not obscure.


I was thinking that Full Throttle would be a good, more obscure addition to the list, but then I found out it was remastered in 2017 and released on everything.

So was Day of the Tentacle.

/finished both
/both original and remaster for both


I also played Day of the Tentacle way back, but I don’t remember if I finished it or not. The song at the end of Full Throttle has stuck with me for 30 years. I might need to check out the DotT remaster one of these days to freshen my memory.

Meanwhile, I think I’m going to start Eric the Unready tonight. Something that author probably never heard of.

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I’ve never played that one! It looks like a lot of fun. Also, playable on!
Eric the Unready : Legend Entertainment Company : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Same here, but there’s some very good games on that list.

The Simpsons: Hit & Run had no business being as great of a game as it was, and I sank many, many hours into that back in the day. I was never a big Half Life fan — they were fine, but I never got all the hype. GTA III was pretty transformative, indeed.

A good list, overall.

I think any of those LucasArts adventure games would be a good addition to any list like that. If you want to get more obscure, maybe The Dig would be the most obscure of all.

Grim Fandango, Day of the Tentacle, and Full Throttle, Sam & Max, and others have been remastered and released on basically every platform imaginable, but I don’t think The Dig ever got the same kind of treatment as its contemporaries. (Although some of its puzzles were garbage.)

That being said, DOTT remains one of my all time favorite adventure games. It’s not very long and its puzzles aren’t super challenging but the whole thing has so much personality and it’s just so much fun that I can play it over and over again and not get tired of it.

Any of the Sierra Online adventure games would also be a good addition to that kind of list. They weren’t necessarily as high concept as some of the LucasArts titles, but they definitely hold a special place.


I don’t think Sam & Max has been remastered, they’re new games, and all the remasters I’m aware of are for the non-Lucas Arts ones. If there is a remaster of the original, I need to grab it. I’ve been poking at it again.

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I just think of them as Sierra, but my favorites are King’s Quest VI (you know, the good one) and the first couple Gabriel Knight games. The very first one has some depictions of voodoo that probably wouldn’t fly in this more enlightened age, but the atmosphere and music are just amazing.

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I would say The Dig is a game more people should discover. Pretty great story telling, was originally conceived by Spielberg as a TV show and then later a film.

And if i wanted to be selfish I would like more people to discover Simon the Sorcerer

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