I say we just pack our new horse and go.
Everyone happy to head off? If there are no objections, I’ll put up a narrative post detailing the journey.
In which direction are you headed?
I’m suggest that we not go in the direction the guards came from. So probably south to the river, then east along its bank until we can get across.
BTW, as a reference for map scale: assuming that they had a competent weather wizard, a ship voyage from Hadaton to Yibyorak would take about five days. Hadaton to Araterre would be about two weeks.
A military express with magic to burn could cut that by about two thirds.
I’m onboard for that, with the slight tweak of following the river to the trading post and then a quick river-boat out of the area.
Dragging it out a bit to give y’all time to chat.
Waiting for a character who is not the shy animal whisperer to break the ice.
Since it’s not in Ranar’s character I’ll wait for the other players to tell their tales before Thwip does the “Last time on Star Trek Yttaria…” info dump.
Just so you guys know, I am not pulling out of the game, but one of Hayu’s triggers is people who blame her for things that aren’t her fault.
And realistically, she didn’t even know you guys were there until Ranar started shooting.
And realistically, she didn’t even know you guys were there until Ranar started shooting.
A weirding and a geas
A destiny and a compulsion.
You have saved a foot for your god
He may have misunderstood some of the finer theological points of christianity
I see Thwip as being a sort of “New York Catholic”. He does believe in a general sense and he was brought up in the faith. But he also thinks that if God wanted him to go to church on the regular he’d make it more convenient. And maybe birth control does have it’s uses. And maybe the bishop and the Pope are probably wrong about the things they say, but they’re really good jobs if you can get them. And whisky? Whisky is okay when moderated by being poured into your coffee.
He will put in an effort to go to confession regularly and he will try to get to Easter Mass and feels no shame in hitting up the priest for a favor sometimes.
Basically, he’s as devout as he needs to be.
Let me know once y’all are done chatting and I’ll narrate the approach to the trading post.
BTW, as a reminder: this is where Aronn hired the horses from. The owners of said horses may be upset that they aren’t being returned.
Funny thing, the Catholic part of Hayu’s beliefs is very much Quebec-Catholic, where the Church is more just an institution like a government department, than anything too sacred.
Which also ties in with her use of sacres. Québequois broke off from standard French around the seventeenth century, so it’s not impossible that a pocket like this would go in a similar direction. Now, I am not that great at it, but given that she was also largely raised by the Church (and Jesuits at that, who had a very strong missionary presence in Quebec), sacres make sense.
As for her other beliefs, her reading of the first commandment is that a person should put no other gods in primacy to God… it doesn’t even rule out honouring them, so long as one does not elevate them in status above the “Lord our God”. So even helping someone out with or taking part in a different religious ritual isn’t bad, per se.
Which fits with the fact that her relationship with some of the other commandments is a little bit fuzzy.
I see interesting times ahead between her and Thwip.
Actually I was just going for the cheap joke - foot/sole/soul
But, after that we’re square, I ain’t getting mixed up with international conspiracies and elven assassins. I like my hide with the standard number of holes in it."
As @MalevolentPixy said up thread, I won’t be pulling out of the game. This should take long enough for Eoin to find a reason to stick around.

Actually I was just going for the cheap joke - foot/sole/soul
A bit of Cardien history:
The first post-Banestorm immigrants to what is now Cardiel were a mix of Sunni and Shia tribesmen. After the Megalan crusades against al-Wazif began in the fifteenth century, they organised for self defence as the nation of al-Kard.
However, al-Kard was never as unified as al-Wazif or al-Haz, and it swiftly fell to Megalan conquest, beginning at Hadaton. After the conquest, the crusaders divided the country amongst themselves and began importing Catholic immigrants.
Many of the early lords treated their Muslim subjects harshly, provoking revolt. This, combined with the pressure of an occasional failed jihad from al-Haz, had a selective effect on the local lords. The tolerant ones who integrated with the local community thrived, while the harsher lords withered.
Eventually, these more tolerant lords came to dominate. Their subjects were more productive and less likely to assist the Hazi invaders. In return, these lords came to see their interests as being more aligned with the people of Cardiel than the Emperor in Megalos, and successfully declared independence in the late 18th century. However, the Megalans hung onto Hadaton for twenty years; it wasn’t conquered/liberated by the Cardiens until the early 19th century.
Cardien law has three unusual features. Firstly, religious tolerance is guaranteed. Secondly, slavery is illegal. Thirdly, execution by torture is banned (although “given to the Mages’ Guild for experimentation” is not…).
The country is divided into seven semi-autonomous regions, each ruled by a great Lord. The country overall is ruled by a Prince. This isn’t a hereditary title; the Prince is elected by the Lords. Election as Prince is a lifetime appointment, but any Prince who irritates the Lords too much won’t have a very long lifetime.
The previous ruler, Prince Micardene of Tredroy, died a year ago. The current ruler is Prince Crivelli of Hadaton.
As mentioned above, Hadaton was the first region of al-Kard to be conquered in the Megalan Crusades and the last bit to be liberated in the Cardien War of Independence. It is still the most Catholic and Megalan part of the country, where the usual Cardien tolerance isn’t quite as guaranteed as in other places.
Imagine Northern Ireland if it had been forcibly reunited with the Republic of Ireland, two hundred years previously. They’re loyal Cardiens these days, but culturally a bit distinct from the rest of the country.
Hadaton itself is a port city of about 50,000 people. Not a match for the 200,000 found in Tredroy, but substantial.
Is booking passage a matter of discussing terms with the captain of a cargo boat or are there passenger ships making the Tredroy-Hadaton trip on the regular like modern ferry services?
There are a few dedicated passenger ships for high-status travellers, but mostly it’s as it was when you left Tredroy: cargo ships squeezing in a few passengers as a bit of bonus income.