GURPS Banestorm redux


Ah. Strangely disappointed tho. :wink:

That reminded me… Given the Banestorm premise is it technically possible for a 21st century Earth person or even an army of them to arrive in this world?

Theoretically possible, doesn’t appear to have happened in Thwip’s experience.

Peak Banestorm was 1,000 years ago, remember.

I smell a sourcebook. Someone call SJG and pitch it to them.

Yrth exists as a parallel world to Earth, and is known to Infinity as a Fantasy parallel in Q5 , with a divergence point that probably occurred when the Pangean supercontinent existed. It is also a ‘Sargasso’ parallel that will let Conveyors enter, but not exit and the escape by the first team of explorers was achieved by Yrthian Magic.

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Sasha DeStijl


Standing 4’ high and about as stocky as any normal dwarf, Sasha wears a plain scale mail jerkin and carries a plain but well cared for short sword as well as an unusual looking crossbow on his back. However, what draws your attention is his clean-shaven chin.

Sasha is a Brother Protector a religious order of dwarves dedicated to the worship of the Deep Rock. Their vows include rescuing dwarves in trouble and this often involves going into dark places and doing dangerous things to make things safe (think mine rescue and clearing things that live in the depths).

Sasha has come to the surface world because he drew the short handle. The world is unbalanced. Ley lines sit over the deep rock of the world like tendons over bone. These lines are pulled by major settlements, or places of great religious or magical significance, which is fine because these things develop over time and, although it’s not ideal, the world has a chance to get used to it. Sometimes however these lines get damaged, all scrunched up or with holes cut in them (the null magic room, for example) and these need manual intervention. A cairn here, an excavation there, carvings and runes placed just so allow the world to heal the damage over time (tens or hundreds of years depending on the damage, so no in-game effect). It’s now Sasha’s job to fix it. He doesn’t really want to be above ground but with a minor divination to point him in the correct direction he wanders the surface, fulfilling his vows, stoically fixing the world and saving dwarves, waiting until he can return to the reassuring depths of the mountains.


  1. Who is/was their closest friend?
    No-one, really, he’s a bit of a loner.

  2. Where do they hope to end up?
    Back in the mines, deep underground

  3. What is their general approach in a fight? Do they have a favourite move/tactic?
    He prefers to avoid direct confrontation, using Darkness or Blackout and Walk Through Earth or Blackout and Fear or Terror to drive enemies away. If he has to fight then he summons molten lava (Fireball) if he needs a show of force.
    If it comes to physical combat he prefers to snipe with his prodd (stone throwing crossbow) or sneak and ambush with a short sword.

  4. Describe their physical appearance, including eye and hair colour, clothing style etc.
    Short and stocky, dressed in light scale, a well used and serviceable short sword at his side. Strong red hair cut close to the scalp, pale green eyes. His most noticeable feature is a lack of a beard as his order are clean shaven as a demonstration of their rejection of influence in dwarven society.

  5. What is their attitude to religion, native and foreign?
    He has no problem with other religions and finds them quaint, although they seem to have missed the point. It’s like having a painting and spending all your time admiring the pretty pigments and failing to appreciate the beauty of a well constructed canvas.

  6. What is their attitude towards magic?
    Magic to him is about calling forth the power of the earth. He’s aware that other people do it differently and he can’t help feeling that it’s a bit…dirty.

  7. What is their attitude towards humans/non-humans?
    They may be nice but they’re not dwarves, who are the only people who really matter.

  8. What is their attitude to money? How careful are they when spending?
    It depends what he’s spending. Trade goods or any kind of scrip he’s happy to spend, but metal, especially gold, is the marrow of the bones of the world and shouldn’t really be out of dwarven hands. If he has to spend gold he will be as parsimonious as possible. He’s ambivalent about spending gems.

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This is a sentence that I did not expect to be typing tonight, but… I prefer the strap-on. It fits my image of Ranar as a basher in combat. He does want to train with his off-hand (and later duel-wielding) in case he gets caught with his shield down, arm grappled or whatever again, but he’s used to the big shield and it gives him some comfort.

Seems not quite what I expected - I’ll think about it and post back.

Sasha DeStijl:

BTW, keep in mind that the listed prices represent how much it would cost you to have them made. What you can sell them for is an entirely different matter.

Can I pencil in nailbiting as one of Hayu’s undefined quirks? She isn’t obvious or obnoxious about it, but it means nine short ragged fingernails (which show in the ragged gloves). She does it mostly when alone and bored.


Signature Technology: Steel.
Other Technologies: Three-field rotation; mold-board plow; heavy horses; flying buttress; windmills and widely used water mills; distillation; compasses; numerals with zero.
Social Organization: Universal religions; monasticism.
War: Mounted knights; castles; counterweight mechanical artillery; early black-powder weapons.

TL4: THE AGE OF SAIL (1450 A.D.+)
Signature Technology: Full-rigged ships.
Other Technologies: Cast iron; the printing press; telescopes; celestial navigation; early synthetic medications.
Social Organization: Nation-states and absolute monarchy; overseas empires; widespread literacy.
War: Cannon; musket and pike; early bayonets; formal military drill; sailing warships armed with cannon; star forts replace castles.

TL5 is the Industrial Revolution, 1730 or so.

So Thwip can invent/build anything pre-industrial (although anything involving gunpowder is inadvisable due to local reasons). He could also try unreliable prototypes of early industrial stuff (explosion-prone steam engines etc).

Importantly, there’s also the point that Thwip can easily build low-tech stuff (medieval siege artillery etc) at the absolute peak of its development. What TL3 engineers struggle to achieve, Thwip can do casually.

If he ever decided to retire from adventuring, he could make a fortune in either civil or military engineering. Leonardo da Vinci.

Okay, took another look tonight and it does look like I expected. :relaxed: I think I might have misread some things on it last night and then confused myself counting the totals of the groups with the totals of things in the groups.

So what’s getting dropped, if anything? The mace and morning star?

Does this mean his making an air pistol (with fire bullets if that idea can be done) is doable?

Though I do think putting a bayonet on his rifle might be an idea regardless of whatever results from messing with his gun.

In my head canon Thwip will go down in history like Leonard of Quirm as the inventor of “The Very Fast Coffee Machine”

TL4 firearms were still fairly crude; matchlocks, early flintlocks.

Thwip’s rifle is TL5; it uses a few parts that TL4 metalwork would find difficult.

It’s stretching his abilities, but as he has the rifle already as a prototype I’d be willing to let him try making a miniaturised version.

The tricky bit is making air cylinders that don’t explode.

Maybe a sawed-off shotgun version to go with his long coat? Regardless, bayonet is a must get. We’ll focus on getting the magic bullets for an upgrade.

Also, I feel I must snarl at the following…

You’ve already replied 3 times to @Wanderfound in this particular topic.

Shut the fuck up, BBS. Important RPG talk is happening.

If you make a pair of pistols and get appropriate fast-load and off-hand weapon skills, I could probably be persuaded to let Thwip fire one pistol while simultaneously recocking the other…

If we can make Thwip this world’s Idris Elba I’m all for it.

Practically: Let’s stick with a bayonet and magic bullets that might explode in the barrel. That sounds more exciting for everyone around him.

Magic bullets turn his rifle into an all-purpose grenade launcher, BTW. It’ll be a few hundred dollars per bullet, but you can reasonably afford just about any 2-energy or less spell.

That could just be 2d of damage, but it could also be gas, smoke, fire, water, oil, sleep, stun, web, illuminate, destroy stone, etc. And you can get 'em enchanted for +1 to hit and +1 damage for about a hundred dollars more.

Thwip might also want to look into acquiring some ultralight armour. A light mail vest with a Lighten spell on it gives DR3 for only 9lbs.

I’ll be posting Sasha’s first post when I get home this afternoon