GURPS Banestorm redux

Ditto (though without the GMing).

Waiting on @macro for the Eoin/Hayu/Ranar plot line. If heā€™s away much longer, thatā€™s fine; Iā€™ll just NPC Eoin for a bit.

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Sorry for the extended delay, I just became a dad a month and a bit earlier than expected.

Iā€™ve busy sorting things out and running interference with friends and family while Mrs Macro and the Micro rest up.
Iā€™ll get a post in narrative thread shortly.


I think thatā€™s a reasonable excuse. Congratulations!

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Thanks. Iā€™m a weird mix of thrilled, excited and utterly exhausted, even though Iā€™m not the one who did the hard bit.

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Welcome back. :slight_smile:

That news deserves a triumphant owl in celebration:



Whatā€™s Hayu doing?

Before I post: Can Thwipā€™s far-hearing ears pick up on what heā€™s doing out back?

Can you give me about a day or so? I am in the middle of a massive cleaning job and I donā€™t want to lose momentum, or I will never get going again (I do not enjoy cleaning and have an attention deficit. This makes for a mess).

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Do what I do and wait for the smells

So, how do dollars translate into the farthings, talents and pennies Thwip is carrying?

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Gold Marks are $200, Silver Pennies $4, Copper Farthings $1, Bronze Scunners $0.50, Tin Bits $0.10

The ā€œtalentā€ on Thwipā€™s sheet is a typo; he has Marks instead.

I havenā€™t yet taken the cost of the boat trip from the character sheets, so youā€™re a bit less cashed up than you appear.

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I have hopefully gotten around that outrageous medial price tag. What is this place? America?

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BTW: limb healing spells.

A clean break will heal in about a month. A nasty break or badly mangled limb will never heal properly.

The basic ā€œrepair limbā€ spell ensures that any break or mangling will heal properly, and can even reattach a severed limb if done quickly enough. The super-flashy version does the same thing, but instantly.

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Iā€™m sorry Thwip is being racist again.

A good friend of mine, as lefty and ā€œweā€™re all peeplesā€ as they come, would always play some loathsome arsehole in the most clownish strawman-argument way. It got to the point we had to ask him to stop because it was getting a little bit too real with one character who was a white supremacist.

He had a lot of family issues.


Ah! Shit! Iā€™m clueless! I should have picked up on this when it was posted.

Dude, if you need some mental R&R Iā€™m totally cool with a hiatus.


Thanks, but itā€™s all cool. Forcing myself into a decent mood every now and then is good for me.

Just waiting on posts from Sasha or Eoin before we move on.

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Or is that one strong back and one advanced knowledge of things like pulleys and levers?



Sadly, Thwip isnā€™t well financed enough to build contraptions. But should he ever find a patron you better believe that The Pulllying Engine will get built.

This was a typo but I feel it fit in with Thwipā€™s way of speaking so I kept it.