Thank GAWD no one on facebook can manage speling my nayme.
From left:
Dave, Your Humble Narrator, Santa Claus, Dave
Prob’ly ca. 1985
Love love love this! You all look so happy!
Santa, however, looks a little … concerned
tumblr posts’ URLs can be customized, i.e., series of gobbledegook/then this bit can be customized. My post’s URL ends with the phrase “Poor Santa.”
I see part of that came up as a link, but it ain’t one.
Just saw this and had to add it:
Are you wearing jean pants as a shawl?
Oh, now here’s a great story.
I dropped acid with a couple friends, and at dawn, one of them decided there was nothing for it but to cut his jeans off himself. He began cutting out chunks, then larger pieces, and was eventually left with tattered, uneven, super short pantlegs. He laughed as he cut the crotch, then he cut them alla way up one side, and they fell to the floor.
I leapt outta my chair, grabbed them, and sat back down. I took off my leather, removed some of the big safety pins, & rearraged others. I pinned his jeans’ remains onto it, and was soon told by his roommate that I looked like one of the wicked witch of the west’s flying monkeys.
Yay! Santa Dee!!! I know it’s the holiday season when Santa Dee shows up on Rose Scott’s show!
Picture gallery:
It’s a bit like capture the flag, a bit like tug of war, but with a table.
My awesome BF emailed me a link to this… - Slow down a little, genius - I’m merely gifted
My awesome BF emailed me a link to this (from a now-kaputt website), with the subject line, “Squamous night.”
The following was my reply:
squamous night
unholy night
all is gone
all is blight
round yon virgin
shamblers go wild
tentacled things
frighten the child
an altar, a blasted heath
an altar, a blasted heath