(If you hadn’t already gotten it) Watch out for the shingles vaccine, it’s a lulu. That one laid me out for that whole weekend; ran a rather high fever, etc. I know that that’s way better than actually having shingles. (The 2nd round, I think, wasn’t as bad. Maybe it was the other way around? )
Covid vaccines didn’t bother me any more than a flu vaccine so I guess YMMV.
We identified metabolite biomarkers within key biological pathways and processes (e.g., nitrogen metabolism, lipid and fatty acid metabolism, stress response, nerve cell communication, hormone regulation, oxidative stress) with potential implications in SIDS pathology. Further research is needed to validate these biomarkers in additional SIDS cohorts.
I post this to let y’all know that this is already being reported as “we can know what babies will be SIDS victims.” This is not anywhere near true. This is a preliminary study, the dreaded “further research is needed” kind of results, and probably worst of all, even if it were what is being touted, it does not offer an intervention. (I must point out, it is not the authors making these claims, it is reporters oversimplifying.)
What it does do is offer an better insight into what SIDS actually is, which could lead to effective interventions. But this is not that. Interesting, maybe important in the research arena, but nothing that will be seen in clinical medicine anytime soon.
Not surprised, but still horrified. My county with the “smartest city in Alabama” boasts only a 68.8% overall rate. The thing is, a lot of these super smart engineers working for the DoD and NASA contractors large and small that own this town are driving this, yet they will blame the “poors” and especially the “immigrants” when this blows up, and it will blow up badly.
I get so tired of people who are so “smart” they are stupid. Yes, you may know differential calculus/quantum mechanics/astrophysics/whateverthefuck, it does not make you an expert in my field anymore than I am in yours. I have had some very smart folks get incredibly offended when I have said this (in a more professional way, mind you) and storm out. But damn it, the years I spent studying this and the decades I have spent doing it cannot be replaced by a “quick Google search.”
Got an ugly scar on your upper arm? No? Thank the WHO and us oldsters who all got the smallpox vaccine worldwide so that no one after us would have to.
Patients must not eat, drink, or exercise for 30 minutes prior; they must have an empty bladder and sit calmly for five minutes prior to the first reading; they must sit with their feet uncrossed and flat on the floor; their back should be supported; and—a big one that’s often overlooked—they must keep the arm to be measured resting on a flat surface at the height of their heart, not higher or lower.
I know this because my husband has high BP, and a few times we’ve checked mine. It’s typically the first thing in the morning, before breakfast and it’s lower than when I go to my doctor’s appointment (anywhere from 103/71 to 112/76 while sitting).
When I go to the doctor, I’m rushing to get there early, and they they take my blood pressure within 5 minutes and it’s usually 142 over whatever. I’ve told them that my BP will be lower if they take it at the END of my appointment. Now my doctor finally does this and it will be consistently under 128/70-something while sitting.
My GP for ~40 years (dead for a while now) once told me that he knew a lot of people are kinda nervous when at the doctor’s (Weißkittelsyndrom) so he’d knock a couple of points off the readings to compensate.
His successor’s successor (I still frequent the same medical practice) said something along those lines and added that a sample size of one isn’t that meaningful anyway and slapped one of those 24 hours monitoring thingies on me.
Good question. Several years ago I read of a traffic stop where a driver was suspected of carrying drugs in end of their GI track, if you get my drift. The person was forcibly taken to a hospital, where a colonoscopy was performed without their consent. I can’t recall the details or the aftermath.
Some will, some will not. Same as pretty much every grouping of folks. Most will want to keep out of the way and not attract to Eye of Sauron while cooperating at the minimum level possible. I doubt very many of us will cooperate enthusiastically, but not many will actively defy them either.