So people NOT in favor of this choice can just fluoridate their own water, one glass at a time? Oh, that sounds reasonable…
There may not be much in here that isn’t touched upon above, but it’s a nice concise summary. Read it. Then get all of your vaccines and, if you’re not, you should really start masking again.
ETA: Read it and share it.
Speaking for those of us who never stopped, PREACH!!
Reality always wins. Whether the loser realizes it or not.
Let’s hope it doesn’t take too long.
Now that eggs are so expensive, many men will find they can’t afford the AJ2100 deluxe genital irradiator.
You might want to mention that anyone who is handy (as a real man should be) can go to for instructions on how to build one from any discarded microwave* oven that still has a working magnetron.
*(Note that microwave radiation is non-iodizing, so it’s perfectly safe.)
The study, published Tuesday in the Archives of Disease in Childhood, reviewed the cases of 21 children, with an average age of 3 years and 6 months, who fell ill within an hour of drinking a slushie.
Nearly all of the children in the study – 94% – experienced a drop in consciousness, 95% had dangerously low blood sugar, and 94% developed a buildup of acid in the body. Other symptoms included low potassium levels, excessive fat levels in the blood, and high levels of glycerol in the urine.
It’s a pretty good general rule that ingesting not-food is not going to treat your system well. But sugar-free slushies seem to be particularly egregious.
Rates of HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer, most often seen in men, have surpassed rates of cervical cancer. Overall, men are 2.7 times more likely to be diagnosed with an HPV-associated malignancy and face mortality rates that are 2.8 times that of affected women.
At this point, it is at least as important for boys to be vaccinated against HPV as for girls. But dead young people don’t matter to people like RFK jr.
Kid will be eligible at 9. Not looking forward to the injection histrionics but she’s getting it.
Saw a poster at our pediatrician recently advertising that kids aged 9 and up are eligible and how it reduces cancer in all children. Seemed good they were both advertising it and I won’t have to argue about her getting it at 9.
I wonder if those needle blocker things actually work
They work better for babies than older kids. For them, it’s more about control and drama, and ain’t no blocking that.
As I suspected might be worth attempting just for the illusion of some control.
Several years ago I had a TERF tell me that it wasn’t necessary to vaccinate boys because HPV was a women only problem. She refused to change her mind even when shown scientific papers, her sex essentialism really was that rigid. She was also very dismissive whenever intersectionality was mentioned, along with other red flags.
That was at an Oxford University post-grad LGBT group, probably with a silent T by the way I was treated there. I had been invited by a friend who was ashamed by what happened to me. LGBTQSoc is usually pretty cool which is why this incident stuck with me.
I wonder how common her opinion about HPV vaccination is in TERFism?
Can’t answer that, but I have had some “Why are you trying to give my son that girl vaccine?” I usually proceed to introduce the idea of oral and anal sex, which generally shuts them up. Doesn’t usually change their minds, but I hope plants a seed. Maybe with the kid if nothing else.
Even if HPV were a “woman only problem”, how do they think women get it?
Don’t these people think that eliminating unsymptomatic carriers might also be a good idea, just on its face?
An email circulated among NIH leadership this week included a list of grants that were to be terminated and details on the specific language to use in those notices. “It is the policy of NIH not to prioritize research activities that focuses gaining scientific knowledge on why individuals are hesitant to be vaccinated and/or explore ways to improve vaccine interest and commitment,” the email states.
God, what a shit show…
Whew. Hopefully it will really happen and be available.