Yeah, but that only works if they were to be willing to entertain the idea that it might be them that are the target. They are absolutely not. The fact that they ignore the vast majority of the Bible they claim to hold in such high regard, just as they do the US Constitution, instructs them to do pretty much tells the tale on that one.
True… they never seem to believe that they are in the wrong about anything.
Just the woke parts, tho!
From what I’ve seen online, the jackasses merely think this proves that this is another “plandemic.”
Yep, going through this now. Six weeks of PT which only resulted in aggravation to a shoulder injury. Then the doctor hadnt submitted approval for the MRI so I have to wait another three weeks. Joy
I do not understand why this has become a big, scary thing suddenly. It really is not.
The explosion of interest in HMPV comes after reports of a spike of HMPV infections in China, which allegedly led to hordes of masked patients filling hospitals. But none of that appears to be accurate. While HMPV infections have risen, the increase is not unusual for the respiratory illness season.
Oh, OK, “Gina!!”
As one viral disease epidemiologist at the US Centers for Disease Control summarized in 2016, it’s usually “clinically indistinguishable” from other bog-standard respiratory illnesses, like seasonal flu, that cause cough, fever, and nasal congestion. For most, the infection is crummy but not worth a visit to a doctor.
This is what needs to be known. There are certainly things to worry about, especially with the incoming DHS administration (), HMPV is just not one of them.
Thank you for these timely links! I’m the designated adult driver/pre- and post-op support/waiting room attendant for a friend having a medical procedure today, and she was asking about this “new respiratory disease in China.” Having this right at my fingertips made passing along good info easy - thanks, Doc!
ETA I’m one of a handful of people wearing a mask
True. Of course, they’re ignoring covid, too.
Sounds like the AI topic to me. Were these Christmas tree recipes written by an actual person?
Apparently it is traditional to use pine needles in food, but not like eating a whole dish of them, and not necessarily at Christmastime.
I’ve seen boxes of tea that is pine needle tips, for sale at my food co-op.
A search brings up a bunch of recent articles published in response to that Belgian warning. For example:
A day after Belgium warned against eating Christmas trees, Swedish officials said that the needles can be safely used to make butter and other products – as long as the trees are young and wild.
Belgium’s federal food safety agency (Afsca) issued a public health warning Tuesday against eating pine tree needles after the environmentally-minded city of Ghent posted tips for recycling the conifers into dinner table items.
Ghent had cited what it said were ancient Scandinavian customs of using dried needles to flavour butter.
Sweden’s Food Safety Agency said it agreed with their Belgian counterparts that commercially bought Christmas trees “are not considered food because they may have been treated with plant protection products not authorized for edible crops”.
But Anneli Widenfalk, toxicologist at the Swedish agency, told AFP in an email that the Swedish custom of collecting and using needles from young saplings is safe – if in limited quantities.
“This is usually done in May to June, when they are small and tender, and the tree has probably not been treated with chemicals,” she said.
They can be used to make butter herbal infusions, syrups, or to flavor alcohol such as schnapps. There are even spruce beers, brewed by the Vikings one thousand years ago, according to Smalandsgran, a family business specializing in the sale of Christmas trees.
“The soldiers at the time of Charles XII knew that these shoots –- rich in vitamin C and minerals –- had a preventive effect on health,” the company says on its website, referring to the Swedish king of the early 1700s.
When Joti told his family that he was HIV positive, his mother banned him from the family home and severed contact. He now lives alone, about a half mile away from his childhood home, in a small one-room shack without a bathroom built for him by his uncle.
“After I left the home, my mom threw out the chair where I used to sit and burned the plate I used to eat from,” says Joti, who is a short and slim 25-year-old, with chiseled cheek bones. “I’m no longer welcome there.”
And I was just reminded that it’s rare that I teach an online class where every Chinese household involved is healthy these days.
What happens when Generation Tiktok is entering its childbearing, child-rearing phase?
Good gravy, and to think I had it bad when it was just the usual issues of kids bringing home colds and viruses from school. We used to call it the disease-of-the-month club instead of kindergarten.
This news makes it all several orders of magnitude more complicated.
Y’all just have no idea… Something will get loose. I don’t know what. In my area, peetussis is already back as a frequent childhood illness. We finally have an effective RSV vaccine. I’ve had several kids hospitaluzed and a couple in ICU with it, but very few parents want the shot. Wsiting for something seriously bad, meadles or diphtheria or tetanus. It’s going to happen. And logic and facts just don’t work anymore. We are the enemy. And we know it. It was not always like this.
This is just insane to me. I would have done a lot for that shot when kitty was a baby. Or the one they have now for pregnant people to take before the birth. I would have done that! Lot less painful than the steroid shot I needed when we were afraid kitty might be born as a super-premie.
We ended up in the hospital twice before kitty was 2 years old once for RSV and once for the flu. Besides the terror of it, the discomfort and pain for our child, and inconvenience for us, it was expensive. Even with good insurance it cost a lot. A shot that could have made that RSV infection less severe? Yes please. Kitty has gotten all the shots the CDC recommends.
I’m convinced the hospital stay for the flu would have been longer and the disease worse if we hadn’t gotten her the flu shot the fall before. Unfortunately, it was one of those spring outbreaks, when her immunity had probably waned.
All these kids put at risk. And for what?! Conflating vaccines with understandable concerns over ultra-processsed food and a red dye the rest of the developed world has banned is just ridiculous. There are going to be a lot of dead children and children with preventable life-long health conditions if RFK Jr gets appointed
I hope this is unnecessary in this space, but just so everyone knows:
In 2018, doctors in Canada reported a case of argyria in a gray 84-year-old woman who had taken a 1 mg/ml silver solution every two or three months for 15 years. The woman reported purchasing it from a naturopathic practitioner as a remedy for “various ailments.” Likewise, in 2009, doctors in the UK reported the case of a 64-year-old man who turned silvery after drinking a liter of water containing colloidal silver every week for a year. “He had taken the silver solution as an alternative medical treatment ‘to ward off infections’ as he had read that colloidal silver ‘cures everything,’” his doctors reported.
Just say “NO” to stupid “alternative” cures.
I agree with everything he said, but wish he’d also have mentioned in the cost to society that overall health is declining as patients avoid using health care due to cost, frustration, denial of coverage, and mistrust of the system.
In human terms, this results in a lot of unnecessary suffering and lost personal potential. In economic terms, this means lost productivity. In political terms, this means increased instability.
Whether or not you believe healthcare is a human right, a functioning, effective healthcare system is essential for a stable, functioning modern society.
But but, my auntie says her echinacea pills are the reason she hasn’t had a cold in 4 years!