I’m not really sure how to start this off. I guess it’s a combination rant/help thread. I’m tired and very hungry, but I’m trying to concentrate on keeping it concise and to the point.
Again, starting out the month with no rent, and no food, and very little in the means of clientele. It’s getting to the point where people are probably starting to think I’m just “crying wolf”, but here at Elsewhere I hope that’s not the case. Because I’m very open with you in particular, you are more aware of the depression and health problems that I’ve been dealing with over the last year.
Granted, my health and depression have improved considerably over October, but that hasn’t undug the hole I’ve been in for at least a year.
I’m almost done with @MarkDow, starting on @kxkvi, which should be done by this time next week, and then the other two, which should be done quickly also. That is, if I have food and turpenoid to continue. I have very little turps left, and today I’m eating a bowl of rice, my last bit of food.
I’m starting to think Tijuana was a poor choice for where to do this art thing. Sure, it’s cheap, but as much credit as I’ve tried to give this city, it comes down to to the fact that I’m practicing in a field that’s largely misunderstood by many residents here.
As a few Mexican friends have tried to point out, Tijuana is a conglomeration of mostly rural people who have moved here in the shadow of San Diego in search of a better life, but have also brought along a lack of civility. They trash the city. Garbage is everywhere. There is very little fine art, aside from the cultural centers in Zona Rio.
I’m starting to wonder if it might be a better idea to relocate back to Moldova, where I know there is a much higher appreciation for fine art, as well as land/air access to many cultural centers in Europe and in the East…
At the moment, there are a few things I need to take care of, chiefly food for me and my cats. I’ve been eating a bowl of rice each of the last three days, and a little peanut butter, and letting the cats have what peanut butter they want. This can’t go on this way.
Food is “relatively” cheap here, but I can’t even sell a painting for $75-100 in Tijuana. There’s just not enough want for it.
To take care of immediate needs…food, rent, medicine, mail out some finished paintings, art supplies, etc. I need about $500 (from 1 to 3 paintings’ worth). Getting some works sent out is important, as some clients are getting antsy.
I know Elsewhere has given as much as it can, but perhaps there is someone in extended networks who may be looking for art or something unique to give for Christmas?
As for the long run, perhaps bartering might help me get ahead enough to move elsewhere. Bus tickets, frequent flyer miles, a good used enduro motorcycle. Kind of like the “paper clip” challenge, but using my paintings to trade up, or to sweeten a deal that needs a nudge…