I made a logic puzzle. Happy solving!

It may be a good idea to “gear icon” -> “blur spoiler” the spoilers, just in case for those who haven’t solved yet. :wink:


I have an idea for another logic puzzle. My first idea was a sequel, “Billy Kornfeld: Maricopa County Sheriff”, but I’d like to try a theme more soul-satisfying.


I have notebooks upon notebooks of Sudoku. I’ve even created a variant called Binary Sudoku, where each number clue is a binary number with some digits missing (e. g., _0_1 can be either 1, 3, or 9) . I can share some, but I don’t want to crash your thread.


I’d forgotten how close together those two events were. A logic puzzle is a lovely way to memorialise them. Thank you for sharing!


who is this billy korneld fellow?

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A figment of my imagination. I remembered a young temperamental boy with vast mental powers, but lacking emotional development, from the 1961 Twilight Zone episode “It’s a Good Life” where, as the character Anthony Fremont, he “wishes” people out to the cornfield when they displease him.

Anthony Fremont: No kids came over to play with me today, not a single one, and I wanted someone to play with!

Mr. Fremont: Well, Anthony, you remember the last time some kids came over to play. The little Fredricks boy and his sister.

Anthony Fremont: I had a real good time.

Mr. Fremont: Oh, sure you did, you had a real good time, and it’s good that you had a good time, it’s real good. It’s, uh, just that…

Anthony Fremont: Just that what?

Mr. Fremont: Well, Anthony, you, uh, you wished them away into the cornfield. Their mommy and daddy were real upset.

Billy is in honour of child actor Bill Mumy, portrayer of Anthony Fremont. Kornfeld became his last name.

fun fact: Cloris Leachman appears in the TZ episode.


I assumed it was some reference to It’s A Good Life, even though I’ve only ever read the short story.

How To Tell If You Are In A Logic Puzzle

… You are a compulsive liar. You can’t help it; everyone in your family is one too, as is everyone in your town, and indeed, your entire nation. You border a nation where everybody tells the truth.

You were born on February 29th. That’s the trick.

You are traveling on foot with three uncaged animals of different species. Your presence is the only thing keeping them from killing each other…