But I have a low-frequency strobe sensitivity. I don’t get seizures, but I can have trouble seeing around, and can get migraines and vomiting from, flashing lights, including blinking cursors, zoom animation, carousel animation, many other types of animation, top-bars-changing-shape animation, and so on, which are all too common online.
I need a lot of accessibility fixes, in about:config, in several extensions, and using user scripts and user styles.
I doubt I’ll be able to use Firefox 57+, since it kills current extensions.
I have gotten migraines testing Opera, Vivaldi, and Sleipnir. I haven’t been able to find adequate accessibility tools for Safari. I have gotten migraines from checking the website for Chrome, which is warning enough. I can’t do this by trial-and-migraine. I tried looking for online guides, but either got no hits, or no relevant hits, or thousands of mostly-irrelevant hits.
I tried it. But like other terminal apps, it’s hard to read, even with readable fonts, and hard to configure. I think it’s hard to read because of the spacing issue, not that there aren’t good uses for equal spacing. I find Firefox’s Reader View, with my font settings, much more readable, when available.
In general, web or computer content will not provoke seizures if either of the following is true:
There are no more than three general flashes and no more than three red flashes within any one-second period, or
The combined area of flashes occurring concurrently occupies no more than a total of one quarter of any 341 x 256 pixel rectangle anywhere on the displayed screen area when the content is viewed at 1024 by 768 pixels.
I have a photo- and phono-sensitivity, and have fallen down, and have blindly stumbled into the street, after exposure at lower frequencies, and probably far smaller visual angles, than this standard covers.
“We’ve figured out what can cause serious injury on its own, and we’ve stayed slightly to the safe side so it will rarely cause more than minor injury and occasional serious or fatal accidents,” is not a good way to devise a safety standard.
Fucking migraine-inducing painsite. Some other folks here link to Twitter painthreads, but with my neurology pain can hurt and that kind of pain can trigger my migraines.
Twitter has actual posts in the middle of the window, and that can scroll, but it’s got this background behind that, and that won’t scroll. So there’s this painful sheer-effect between the scrolling and non-scrolling elements, aggravated because there are two sheers, they’re too close to the middle of the screen, they’re too high-contrast, and they cutr across patterns.
I’ve been able to read some other sites, either because any sheer is almost at the edge of the screen, or it’s low-contrast, and it doesn’t cut across patterns, or because I’ve been able to use a user script to force some position: sticky and position: fixed elements into position: static where they won’t inflict migraines, or I’ve been able to use an add-on to kill some position: sticky and position: fixed elements. But not Twitter. I can’t even “inspect element” because it switches to another page if I try.
And they disabled their accessibility contact and don’t seem to have enabled a new one:
And they’ve shut down their accessibility contact:
Still running into a lot of trouble. Sites which worked on my old computer often fail on this one.
Can anyone recommend a readable text-based browser? Lynx and Brewsh run in terminal windows, so they are hard to read. But in principle one could be as elegant as an ebook reader app, with user settings for size, fonts, background colors, etc.