Impeachment 2: Electric Boogaloo

Hahaha - COVID-19 in a petri dish is a cancel culture!


I have to say this is surprising.

Lindsey can’t be happy.


OH yay! Oh joy! Oh ratings! I wonder if DJTSr himself will appear, or any of his progeny?


He already said he wouldn’t testify… if they call him, and he doesn’t come, who knows what that will mean.


It’s still a “kangaroo court”, at least on the republican side.

kangaroo court n. originally U.S. an improperly constituted court having no legal standing, e.g. one held by strikers, mutineers, prisoners, etc.

1853 ‘P. Paxton’ Stray Yankee in Texas 205 By a unanimous vote, Judge G—— was elected to the bench and the ‘Mestang’ or ‘Kangaroo Court’ regularly organized.
1895 Harper’s Mag. Apr. 718/2 The most interesting of these impromptu clubs is the one called in the vernacular the ‘Kangaroo Court’. It is found almost entirely in county jails.
1931 ‘D. Stiff’ Milk & Honey Route 209 Kangaroo court, mock court held in jail for the purpose of forcing new prisoners to divide their money.
1935 A. J. Pollock Underworld Speaks 66/1 Kangaroo Court, a jail tribunal comprised of inmates which collects money from prisoners awaiting trial to supply the needy with tobacco, food and a few luxuries—its decision regarding disputes is final.
1966 Times 14 Mar. 10/1 Shop stewards at Theale are to meet tomorrow to consider paying back the sums levied by a kangaroo court.
1971 Times 20 Jan. 15/3 Citizens who live in the riotous areas [of N. Ireland] deserve protection from…kangaroo courts.
1973 C. Mullard Black Brit. iii. vii. 81 Such practices are surely more like those of a kangaroo court than those that the Race Relations Board should encourage.


So they are not calling witnesses? They seem to be giving their closing testimony (the impeachment managers).

There was just a kerfuffle over a video that the defense claimed wasn’t in the record already, but the impeachment managers said actually was…

[ETA] Ah, they reached a deal, apparently, to not call witnesses…


1st-past-the-post voting creates a 2-party system which breaks the impeachment system with its 2/3 requirement. So as far as I’m concerned, the impeachment managers have a no-win scenario, and I’m not going to 2nd-guess how they try to make the best of it.

Getting a smoking gun into the record is … something.


He was acquitted, because much of the GOP has no spine.

That also means that he got off for his role here, and he’ll continue to stir up his supporters against the rest of us. We’ve just moved into much more dangerous territory, I’m afraid. Despite the arrests the hard right is going to regroup and try this again.

Agreed. There is now talk of some republicans breaking away to form a center-right party, but all that’s going mean is the Democrats might have a chance to dominate politics for a while. Maybe. But I wouldn’t count on that.

I do have to say, the managers put together a bang up, convincing case, that would have swayed anyone who had not already made up their mind due to ideology or out of fear of a Trumpian backlash.


Jesus Christ, Senate Dems. The trial wasn’t to convict. It was to put horrifying images in front of every American. To force people to confront the reality. To hear witnesses speak in their own words about the depth of the bullshit that went on. Most people supported impeaching the motherfucker. They could have ensured no one reasonable would ever respect trump or any GOP who voted to acquit ever again.




If you can’t see what Professor Cooper is talking about, I suggest you go look at how jurors in lynching trials acted. Mitch is carrying on a long tradition.


A couple of op-eds about the outcome of the impeachment trial…


This is kind of the logical conclusion of their ideology that argues against the entire concept of society… “that there is only the individuals and families.” If they only see individual interests and their goal is to further that, then of course they’re not going to care about the constitution, except as a bludgeon against those of us who believe we can build a fairer, more just society.


Of course some of them don’t just see individuals and families. They wonder why we refuse to see national honor or racial purity or the divine right of whoever it is this time.



Right, but when you condemn societies for being unfair or unjust, aren’t you infringing on the right of societies to allocate justice according to their own internal sense of self, rather than kowtowing to the greedy individualistic drives of their members? /s


Don’t rock the caste-system boat / don’t stop the money train. Now with Panopticon surveillance!

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