Number 2
Number 3
Good idea! thanks for starting this!
Warning: multiple instances of sexual and domestic violence.
Yeah, got him listed; he was number 3.
Suggestion: Put the running list in the top post?
The articles reporting them, or just the names, do you think?
Maybe 1. Name [link] with the link to the most credible report?
Numbers one and two were incorrectly numbered, but it was hard to track down the exact dates.
That’s what I’ve got in the comments. The post itself might get unmanageable if they (hopefully) all get rearrested!
I’m listing names, offences and dates in the main post heading.
It can always be edited if another way seems to make more sense.
What do other people think? Should the links be in the main post heading, or given in the comments section, with a briefer description in the main post heading?
I feel like maintaining the header with the ability to add info or discuss in the comments would be the least chaotic way to organize it? Basically what you just said seems best.
I don’t know if it belongs here, but the pizzagate shooter was also recently killed by police during a traffic stop.
Certainly Insurrectionist adjacent. Maybe not part of the main list, if wewant to track insurrectionists who were pardoned and then rearrested, but it’s worth having here as part of a trend of all the “good people” who are fans of the Turnip.
What a bunch of scumbags. (Especially including that last.)
I occasionally wondered what happened to this guy. Now I know.
Me, hoping for a thousand or more posts.
They’ve made a good start; 4 in, what, 10 days?
May their Jan 6 Heroes Reunion 30-bus caravan go over a cliff in one die-screaming drop, lemming-style.