Though just for the record Limulus are not truly a crab, and turn out to actually be marine arachnids.
How long until there are mammal crabs?
We’re still just practicing!
I can be crabby some mornings, especially if I haven’t had my coffee. I can also be really crabby when my blood sugar is high.
Me, too!
What does that say?
Screen shot of a tweet from Greg Wilson.
5 hours ago from @gvwilson.
Body text:
When the signal came, there was nothing subtle about it; every radio telescope on the planet redlined. First primes, then simple arithmetic, then basic vocabulary, each burst richer than the one before.
Finally humanity received the most complex message yet. Thousands of researchers and ad hoc internet communities raced to decode it.
“Are you crabs yet?”
Hesitantly, humanity replied, “No.”
“Oh,” came the reply. “Sorry to bother you.”
Silence followed.
End body text.
Give me enough Buckfast and I walk like a crab. Is that close enough?