Still waiting for my turn to come around… I could probably qualify under the current rules, but it’d be borderline and I’m happy to let others take it.
What you typed. <3
Ugh, that’s unpleasant.
In my state they seem pretty strict about it. You have to go through the state to schedule an appointment no matter where you’re getting it. They just got to phase 2b (people aged 50-64) this morning and I know two people who spent about two hours just getting it scheduled. (The quote in the news is “Process was very easy once the site stopped crashing.” ) I’m not until later - in the ‘May or after’ group.
I think we could be almost done by now, if we’d done phase 1 in January, 2 in February, and 3 in March we’d be done next week. Of course I don’t know the logistics behind it. It must be more difficult than the typical flu season rollout both for being new and the freezer limitations. But I’d guess if they’d pushed people to just get it done, it could’ve moved faster.
I’d like to get it over with. But also I’ve only been out somewhere public twice in the last year, and that’s ok. Another 2 or 3 months is no big deal. I’m the temperament that can wait out a pandemic, and in a position where I can do my job while doing that. People that have to go out for work or something and extroverts who need to get out have it way worse.
Also, I wouldn’t want to jump the line in front of people like my wife, who’s going in to surgery in a couple of weeks, or my friend, who has four kids and a wife who’s a teacher.
It would be really nice if everyone could just walk in and get it the way we do with flu shots. Or if they had just processed people straight through instead of dragging out these phases. But whatever.
This seems odd.
Well, there’s no common-cold vaccine. And they can put a man on the moon, but…
I want the one from Johnson & Johnson - No More Tears!
I hope she does fine!
I’ve read that expensive (to buy and maintain) low-temperature freezers are required for storing the vaccine, which many clinics and doctors don’t have.
So, a dear friend of mine works for U of D/Mercy in Detroit emailed me application for a friend or family member of hers, over the age of 50, to get the Janssen shot at the fitness center on campus there. I filled it out and emailed it back and am waiting to find out what time I’ll be going on Friday.
If the Emperor is the total ruler of the Empire, he owns the big egg within which Vader sleeps.
Before getting it I felt like it should be rationed. Afterward I felt that anyone who mentally needs it should just go ahead. The sooner we get to herd immunity the better.
Good point. If they allocate 300,000 doses to group X, but only 100,000 show up while 200,000 other people are just waiting because they’re not in group X, that’s not very efficient. I wonder how much momentum is being lost by the phased approach vs just giving it to everyone who walks up.
This whole “coupon deals if you’re vaccinated” thing is just… a really weird vibe. Imagine trying to explain it to someone a few years ago!
For some reason, that made me think of HIV, and if one could show their vax record for that they would get free sexual favors from a licensed sex worker.
But there is no HIV vaccine yet. However…
My COVID-19 vaccination is at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow, but I’m gonna be there a half-hour early!
Good luck getting it, and after!
My spouse and I are scheduled for our second Moderna shot. It’ll be another all-day road trip but that seems easier than trying to get it done locally and a couple of weeks late.