Love in the Time of COVID-19

Maybe a better question would be, “What is correct with people?”; which is…

definitely a shorter list.


And this is one more reason I admire you.

One of these two?


No. I was given Super Soldier Serum. Now I am bullet-proof. Soon I will he able to manfully peel off my mask like our former president did.


Those two got variants of the SSS. But you didn’t get irradiated, did you? I mean, how much time did you spend in the sunshine and how strong was said sunshine?

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Have you had this looked at by a physician?


After having gone into the office several times this week, I find I can no longer comfortably wear socks past the time I come home.

In the before times, I’d kick off my shoes and just putt around the house I’m my socks until my bed beckoned me.

Every day this week has been

  • Get home
  • Sit down
  • Take off shoes
  • Rip off the damnable foot mittens.

I’m glad I did know, because otherwise I would have been scared I was having a worrisome reaction rather than a shitty but expected reaction.


I had my second Moderna shot Wednesday. My arm was sore, and I was tired (though part of that was because I hadn’t slept well Tuesday night.) I crashed early and slept for eleven hours straight.

Later on Thursday, I started to feel off, a little light-headed and achy. The thermometer reported a fever of 100°, so I took some acetaminophen and drank plenty of fluids. The day passed in a haze of mild discomfort and fuzzy thoughts, but I reminded myself, “this is nothing compared to full-on covid, and it will pass.” I decided to order in Chinese food for dinner, largely because I had a craving for wonton soup. I picked at the rest of the meal, since my appetite wasn’t too good; I think the fever broke around 2 AM, and I eventually got more sleep.

This morning, I woke up feeling fine, apart from the usual sinus issues (we had a huge temperature drop overnight, and that typically sets off sniffles and a headache.) I’ve still got a little soreness at the injection site, but it never got as bad as it did with my first shot. I can’t say the experience was fun, but I’m very glad I did it. Now it’s just waiting for two weeks for full immunity to kick in… though I won’t be giving up my masks any time soon.


Well it would be impossible to diagnose. It comes out of nowhere, last about 15 seconds and then subsides. It’s a sensation that has happened randomly throughout my life. Apparently it has something to do with my immune system.


I was thinking that a physical exam might uncover something in the background that might explain it.

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I walked to the store Thursday and just as I got to the parking lot and reached for my mask I realized I’d forgotten it. It’s a month since my second vaccination, so technically I’m fine. The store had taken down the signs about masks and the 6-foot line markers, and the clerk wasn’t wearing one.

But some other customers were, and I felt weird without it. So I was careful to go down aisles that didn’t have people while I got the few things I went for, and turn around and go back if someone started down my aisle from the other end. It was kind of like live-action Pac-man and the other customers were the ghosts. I got my fruit (well, a fruit-flavored drink) and power pellets (honey-roasted peanuts) and walked back home wondering how long it’s going to feel weird.


It’s so infrequent I’m sure I’d get the classic “Never heard of that before. Let me prescribe some random drugs and see if it helps.”


You need something to awaken your latent powers.


I’m with them. I like being a hermit.


I found out today that my office is reopening in 3 weeks, and I’m annoyed by it. Not because I feel like there’s much risk, since I’m vaccinated and the square-feet-per-people ratio isn’t too bad, but because I really preferred working from home and not having to talk to anyone except for a 10 minute dev meeting per week.


Can you negotiate one or two days’ telecommuting? Especially if you can press the “more efficient” issue somehow.

My wife loves working from home – but she’s been doing it for seven years or so, and will continue after all this mess. It’s just too far to commute, especially since she doesn’t drive.

(“Doesn’t,” not “can’t.” It’s by choice and I think she’s the sane one.)

I teleworked a day a week before I retired–but I hated it. I don’t know why. It made me very anxious for some reason.


This is my 6th year, it’s too far to commute, and I also don’t drive.

I lucked out because roughly half the company was already remote when I signed on, and since that time we’ve scattered even more. The executives and founders are all remote, living in other states, so remote-first work organization is embraced from the top-down.

It could be a little difficult without that buy-in from the top, but if communication is great and work productivity is good enough, I think it should be an option anywhere it can be done.