Love in the Time of COVID-19

Looks like a tongue war.

That’s relatable. I had to get up a few hours earlier than usual for the second shot (because that was the appointment timeslot). And had to do a double shift a couple days later. I could pretty much attribute everything I felt as easily to that lack of sleep as to the shot itself.


Well, no pastries for me, I guess. I lack the dexterity for their proposed process. :woman_shrugging:


Get one of these:


… coming from dogs


If that starts spreading you know we’re going to get so many “dog days of summer” jokes. Also, “sick as a dog”, etc…


That’s frightening.
OTOH, these guys deserve a Nobel prize:

So he challenged a graduate student in his lab, Leshan Xiu, to make a more powerful test — one that would work like a COVID-19 test but could detect all coronaviruses, even the unknown ones.

Xiu not only rose to the challenge, but the tool he created worked better than expected.


A good thing done for the wrong reasons is still a good thing.

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Back into lockdown in just under 12 hours. :persevere: I know Australia is still incredibly lucky and so much less affected than most of the world, but this fucker just isn’t going away.


Workers in the tent said the woman in the car was shouting things about the vaccine. They told deputies they thought the woman was yelling “No vaccine,” as she sped by them, narrowly missing hitting seven of the workers under the tent. Several of the workers told deputies they thought the driver was going to kill them.


The workers tend to be National Guard, so let’s see how that’s going to work for her. Ls everywhere. Hope no one’s hurt too badly.


saw a blue Chrysler SUV traveling at a high rate of speed through a closed cone course and through an enclosed tent with several health department and national guard personnel working under the tent. [emph added]

What is wrong with people?


That is a very long list.


Journal of the Corona Year


Two days ago I got my second dose of the Moderna vaccine.

It is commonly understood that the second dose of the Moderna vaccine provides a stronger reaction than the first. Considering the reaction I had to the first dose, I was a bit afraid of what would happen. My manager said he took a day off after he got his second dose.

I arrived at the Army Terminal facility on time for my 12:45pm appointment. Nothing much had changed. Many of the same people were working there. The registration desks had been turned perpendicular to the walkway and there was only one person at each desk. They didn’t read off a long list of medical history questions while being checked in. Instead I was handed the list in English and Spanish on a well-handled piece of paper. Basically I walked in, was checked-in and received my shot. All-in-all it felt very relaxed. Although I did feel the needle this time.

I walked to the exiting area to wait my 15 minutes before being allowed to leave. I felt fine. I even stayed for 20 minutes to be sure. No problem at all. I felt great. Maybe I had some random dizzy spells. Maybe I had some random neck pains. But that was nothing to be concerned about. In fact there were some moments during the afternoon when I thought I felt better than I had since receiving the first dose.

Around 10:00 pm it finally hit me. I was in the middle of vacuuming. My heart started racing and the room felt like it was about 100 degrees. I had a couple of sharp pains in my chest. But you can’t leave your apartment half-vacuumed.

By 11:00 this had settled down to just feeling feverish. I could live with that. I went to bed and waited to see how I would feel in the morning.

By morning I was sore all over and my head felt like it was in outer space. I had no breakfast because I had no appetite. I went to work. Fortunately I am still working remotely, so this meant I could work for about an hour, then go lie down on my bed for 15 or 20 minutes. It was a slow day and this seemed to work well.

At noon I went out to get coffee. Being outside in the bright sun and fresh air helped my spirits a bit, which I hoped it would. I’m pretty sure I was walking, but it felt more like floating. The world glided past me like a flowing stream. When I returned to my apartment I tried getting back to work, but realized I needed to lie down again. The walk didn’t energize me, it instead had consumed my limited energy.

By 2:00 I started getting the sensation that my internal organs were inside a wooden box and I could feel all the corners. It spread up my throat. It’s hard to explain. It was like the Fortress of Solitude was spontaneously generating inside my lungs. I’ve had this sensation before from time-to-time for no apparent reason, but never this intense. For about half-an-hour I could only lie on the bed and hope it would pass. It began to clear-up around 4:00.

By 7:00 the symptoms were mostly gone, but I was totally exhausted.

This morning I woke up with a bit of a headache, but otherwise fine. Not even pain at the injection site.

I’m glad I didn’t know about all this before I took the shot. I guess I’ve become Captain America or something.