Love in the Time of COVID-19

I’m sure we could compromise, and just name the next new variant the “Trump” variant.

After all, he’s done so much for the virus, he should get some recognition for it. He wouldn’t want Xi to get all that credit, now would he?

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Yesterday my wife and daughter tested positive for COVID-19. My wife is vaccinated, but my daughter hasn’t even received her first dose yet, as her appointment is scheduled for later this month. I tested negative, but it’s not entirely clear if it’s because I’ve already been infected and recovered, or if I managed to avoid infection altogether so far.

It’s baffling, and deeply frustrating, because we’ve been so careful. As near as I can tell, the most likely exposure times were during my wife’s endocrinologist appointment, her dentist appointment, or my daughter’s orthodontist appointment. These are the only times we’ve been anywhere recently with masks off for any period of time, out of a very few times where we were even out of the house.


Ja, das stimmt. :wink:

In personal news: I got my booster jab last weekend! Feeling very lucky to have easy access this time around.

Crap. I hope they are lucky and have only “mild” cases. :pleading_face:


the good news is, being vaccinated, your wife will be fine, and your daughter, being young, will probably have a mild case. as for how or why you didn’t get it, who knows, right? my husband and i were super careful, i work from home, and yet somehow i managed to get it (likely grocery shopping), and somehow he didn’t. i think it just underlines how contagious it really is. i hope your family has swift recovery, and no lingering symptoms.


Walking around the plaza here, I found that one of the free newspaper racks that used to hold Riverfront Times before they went under, had been filled with some anti-vax propaganda.

Conveniently, there was a garbage can right nearby. So I did my part.


aww, the Riverfront Times went under? i used to love that paper when i lived in St. Louis, if we’re talking about the same RFT.

also, props for chucking that propaganda in the trash!


And just a reminder: covid is not the only thing going around.

I somehow managed to touch something and then not wash my hands sufficiently before (I suppose) eating, and thus got a stupid cold. Just a cold…lots of testing at the hospital to make sure. I had never had my mask off around other people – and wasn’t even around people much during the likely infection time frame – but viruses can also be transmitted by touch and apparently this one was.

So I had fun explaining to my seatmate on the plane that I was coughing because I have lung damage so it takes me FOREVER to get over a cold, but that it was just a cold and I hadn’t been contagious for about 4 days before I got on the plane. Fortunately, he was very cool about it.


How very courteous of both of you!

I don’t know why it took me so long to think of this, but our drummer is coming back from FL soon. I hope he doesn’t bring a heapin’ helpin’ of COVID-19 or any other virus with him.


Best wishes. I hope you all do OK.


I wish you and you family the best…


I had a really bad cold 5 or so years ago, which included a cough so severe that I was basically using cough drops 24 hours a day, even while sleeping. I now get a cough every winter, which was super fun when COVID first started but before the lockdown, as I had to explain that this was normal for me. As an added bonus, several of my teeth have had to be filled and one crowned thanks to the cough drops.


Yep, the same RFT – the pandemic hurt them a lot, they went online-only, and a few months later I heard they had to let everyone go. But that doesn’t seem to be actually true, now that I look at their website. I just don’t think to look there when it used to be in print pretty much all over the metro area.


The analysis spanned the end of April 2021, just before delta was detected in the state, to the end of October 2021, just before the governor’s office requested the data. In that time, the average case rate in masked jurisdictions was 27 percent lower—15.8 cases per day per 100,000 residents compared with 21.7 cases per day per 100,000 residents. Death rates were similarly lower, with 0.2 per 100,000 residents per day in masked communities versus 0.28 per 100,000 residents per day in unmasked communities.

Though the governor’s office has been in possession of the data for a month, it hasn’t released any of it to the public. The DHSS’s analysis and related emails came to light after a Sunshine Law request by the Missouri Independent and the Documenting COVID-19 project.

Gov. Parson has railed against masks in the past. And despite the new evidence, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt is continuing his lawsuits against St. Louis, St. Louis County, Kansas City, and Jackson County over their mask mandates, which he called “arbitrary, capricious, unlawful, and unconstitutional.”


One week until the border reopens…


As per usual, expect the enforcement of this to be massively biased on class and racial lines. Don’t expect to see strict enforcement at the casino high rollers room or Parliament house bar.