Love in the Time of COVID-19

My dr. wants me to come in for a physical, and I don’t want to. And I see so many more maskless people at the Meijer near us, it’s making me want to go to Aldi instead - further away, but not enough to make it super-inconvenient (Meijer is about 3/4 of mile from our house, & Aldi is about a 1-1/2 mile trip - big whoop).

I wish I could understand why folks are not truly grasping that wearing any mask in public is better than no mask at all.


FUCK. I just got missed by the COVID bullet today.

I didn’t sleep well last night (i’ve been w/out cannabis for over a week, till today), and have been having IBS problems. So I let the 2 band members whose phone numbers I have know I wouldn’t show up for rehearsal tonight, only to find out that the drummer tested positive for COVID.

I called my dr.'s office and told them that I’d last seen him Tuesday, and we only got kind of close outside, when I asked if he needed help carrying anything. After that we were more than 6 feet away from each other and THANK GOODNESS he didn’t sing, because he brays when he does. I then related that I’d had no known symptoms and then asked if I needed to be tested, mostly because my ex-musical partner & still good friend was just over, and he’s got thyroid issues and post-polio syndrome & is over 70.

I was told I didn’t.

The closest I can come to the combined stress-then-relief-but-still-tight-in-the-gut is finding out that my son was fathered by my then-1st-husband, and not by the guy with whom I’d had a one-night-stand when said hubby was on a hunting trip. If that makes any sense.

I’m still shivery-shaky-fist-clenchy.

Anyone old enough to personally remember this hit?


Like Tucker Carlson is a shining example of mindfulness?

addendum: one has to have a mind first, tha’s right.

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Adding a severe financial disincentive to getting tested? That’ll get those numbers down!



No mask on the horn?

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To add insult to injury, it’s a totally meaningless match.

We’re four games into a five game series, and Australia lead three to nil (one match was a draw). At no point during the series has England shown the slightest glimmer of possibly winning a game.


I hear ya, the Detroit Lions (worst team in NFL history, some say) beat the Green Bay Packers (just the oppo) this past Sunday, it didn’t mean anything cos the Cheeseheads have a playoff berth anyhow. (Wisconsin is a big dairy state & just across Lake Michigan from Michigan, so geographical rivalry, too.)







Informative article, with a concise takeaway:

Further research is clearly needed to sort out the precise roles of the different arms of the immune system. In the meantime, we know enough about the immune system’s response to omicron that we can clearly say a few things. The extensive number of changes in the variant’s spike protein reduces the ability of the immune system to recognize it, both in people with prior infections and those who have been vaccinated. But the mutations do not eliminate that ability, and boosters restore extensive neutralizing activity.

What this has meant in practical terms is that the people who have been vaccinated over six months prior and have since seen their immune system switch over to memory cells are more likely to get a breakthrough infection when a distinct variant such as omicron appears. But they largely remain protected from experiencing a severe case. Booster doses re-establish an active immune response and provide an even greater degree of protection.



We’ll know in a week or so if they’re actually delivering on the promise.



I thought I saw a similar sign somewhere online, only I think it used crocodiles or alligators, soon after social distancing rules were put into place.

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The standard Oz one is “one kangaroo”.


Finally got my booster.

Hoooo boy, did it hit me hard this time. Spent most of the night with a fever, toes feeling like ice and rest shivering like crazy. Couldn’t lie down flat because my toes got colder, couldn’t curl up because muscles were cramping, and standing up to look for more warmth was just not going to happen.

If I’m understanding things right that’s a good sign that my body sees it and says “hell no, not again”? Here’s hoping.