Love in the Time of COVID-19

That’s exactly how I consoled myself during my 36 hours of feeling like crap, on all three shots. I had fevers the second and third ones, and for the booster there were about 12 hours when I just wanted to be unconscious. Hang in there, friend!


That was a bit of a hidden reveal there!!!

I’m glad you are Covid free.


My Covid strategy summarised:




I have no idea how I’m doing it, with no income, and w/the gov’t not wanting to “incentivize” me staying home by sending me - and everyone else - more stimmie checks.

But I’m doin’ it.


I remember my dad and my brother saying back in the late 1970s all we needed was a good war to get things going.

My dad is dead and I think my brother has changed his tune, but weird that it takes so much disaster to get us hoomins off our butts and MAKE things BETTER.


Lower incomes for the world’s poorest contributed to the death of 21,000 people each day, its report claims. But the world’s 10 richest men have more than doubled their collective fortunes since March 2020, Oxfam said.


via jwz

Despite my state not participating, my hospital does, and I was able to get my QR code. I did have to click update in order for the code to include my booster, but that only took a few seconds. Do note that you’ll need to update your QR code every time your vaccination record is updated.

Something that the article doesn’t do a good job of is providing links to where one might get the app to store your QR code on your device. Here’s the website for Common Health, although they only seem to have an app for Android. It should be possible to store the QR code in other wallet apps, and nothing stops you from just storing the image and using it that way.



Getting mine, they list a couple of apple alternatives:

However, there’s nothing at the federal level for them and only 13 states, otherwise it seems that the cards come from individual pharmacies or whatever. And they only know about stuff you’ve had done there. So the only one I can get is the one for my booster. It’s something though.


That was not my experience. I got my first two shots from my primary hospital when they were having vaccine clinics, and then got my booster from the pharmacy of my local supermarket since I couldn’t get an appointment with the hospital. Somehow the pharmacy was able to communicate the booster info to the hospital, although I did have to click an update button for it to show despite getting it ~2 weeks ago. I’m not sure that I gave them enough information in that appointment for them to do that, but it’s possible.

Clearly there is a level of coordination that is necessary for this to work effectively, and unfortunately without federal support and it being voluntary, we’re going to see varying degrees of success.

It’s likely a bad analogy, but it seems odd to me that we can have a national database for background checks for the purchase of firearms, but a means of validating vaccination status at the federal level, or at least coordinating an effort like this is seen as politically nonviable.


Because they don’t care.


I feel like if the billionaires had been losing money from the pandemic – if they were dependent on keeping people safe, for instance – we’d be seeing “COVID Zero” policy just about everywhere.


Indeed. Instead we’re expected to (cheerfully!) feed our bodies into the meat grinder that is capitalism, so a select few motherfuckers can have extra gold flake on their burgers or whatever.


From the guitar player in the band I’m in:
(edited for grammar):
Last Tuesday night I started with symptoms of Covid and the next couple of days I was pretty sick. Since Friday my symptoms have been going away, now I’m just congested. Don’t know how everyone would feel about rehearsal tomorrow.

Me: I’m okay with missing it so you can rest up and feel better.

Me: Did y’all get tested? For you and yol ur family’s sake, for sure.

Him: Everything’s under control, everybody’s getting better day by day

Me: Good ( :+1:

Me: I don’t want to get it because my only brother has no spleen and if he gets it it’ll probably kill him. Plus the fact that I don’t want me and my kid to get sick either. So we all got to just take care of ourselves and stay safe and warm.

(end of thread)

I’m gonna quit the band. This shit’s just getting too fucking close.


Note from the post this is a reply to:

Notice that more than half of the unvaccinated poor people would be willing to get vaxxed?

Vaccine refusal is not the key problem.

Problems are:

  • The inability of poor people to take time off work for vaccination & side effects.
  • Inequalities in vaccine access in general.
  • Completely justified (by both history and current reality) scepticism about the supposed non-malevolence of the US medical system from poor and/or Black people.

US media and politicians have spent the last several years laser-focused on the relatively small group of petty bourgeois antivaxxers, while studiously ignoring the much larger numbers of unvaxxed-but-willing poor.

Because it takes the focus away from systematic maladministration and towards individualised scapegoats.