Love in the Time of COVID-19


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Your second point speaks to the first a bit as well.

When the National Guard was doing it, they had us in and out of there in less than 10 minutes. I did the first two shots on lunchbreaks. Of course, you’d have to have transport to get there, which is a big problem in the U.S.

For the booster, I went to the pharmacy on a Friday evening after work. Took about twice as long, but no time off needed. However, pharmacy hours can be weird and again you need transport.

So from outward appearances, it’s quick and easy. Just takes a few minutes.

But that’s assuming you don’t need to work it around bus schedules (up to 2 hours there and 2 hours back even in places with ‘decent’ buses). Or pay your month’s electric bill for an uber/lyft/cab. And it’s available during the right hours, which may be tough if you work night shift, multiple jobs, etc.

No matter how quick, easy, and accessible it is, it never will be for the poor or lower working-class, because nothing is.


Nope. And I’m one of the lucky ones who has a car
but I can only afford the insurance for the month preceding my b-day, so I can get my license tabs, which cost $93 last year.

Fortunately, I have no job to go to or do at home, so after I got vaxxed & boosted I was able to laze around the house without worrying about work that had to be done for someone else; instead, I did my normal worrying about how are the bills going to get paid and what utility will get shut off first.


The test kit ordering site is live:

It took me about 20 seconds to order.


As early as November 2020, Dr. Robert Karas, the jail’s doctor, told inmates who had contracted COVID that he was giving them a cocktail of vitamins, antibiotics, and steroids when in fact he was administering dangerously high doses of the dewormer.

“At no point were Plaintiffs informed that the medications they were consuming included Ivermectin,” the lawsuit says. “Further, Plaintiffs were not informed of the side effects of the drug administered to them or that any results would be used for research purposes.”

For providing medical services at the jail, Dr. Karas’ company, Karas Correctional Health, of which he is the sole member, receives $1.4 million annually. Plus, his contract allows him to buy drugs wholesale and sell them to the jail, which is “obligated to pay the costs for all prescription medications prescribed to WCDC detainees,” the lawsuit states.


I love you!




120 beds for 120,000 people.


This explains why it is so important to shoot missionaries on sight -Terry Pratchett



 it is impossible to parody these people.


Isn’t it great how they don’t trust vaccines because they were “rushed,” but are willing to believe random crap made up by a Nazi with no medical credentials whatsoever?

It’s a cult of ignorance. A death cult of ignorance.


If they were just killing themselves, I’d stop caring at this point. But when they’re dosing their kids, and when they’re spreading the plague, they’re not just killing themselves.


I wonder how many people did the same, and had the same outcome, but didn’t make the news.


My throat is sore, my voice sounds gravely, I have a minor dry cough and a major headache, I feel like shit and am exhausted.

My COVID test this morning was negative, but my partner came in contact with several people who have it and one who is now back in the hospital for COVID. That asshole was got out of the hospital, but was still contagious and went to his place of business and got everybody there sick (3 sick at home, 3 in the hospital as of yesterday). I might not have it at all, but I’m kinda pissed at his recklessness.

My SO was wearing a mask, but still. He’s not feeling bad, but he didn’t have side effects from the vaccine. I had big side effects, and feel kind of like that, but without the fever, at least.


Yuk. I hope everyone heals well.


I did it via text, at least to the bass & guitar players; curiously, the drummer, who’s allegedly the manager as well, never asked me for my number, and doesn’t respond to me on FB. SIGH.

Told 'em I wasn’t feeling quite right about it, even though I’ve been trying to, hope they find someone who’s a better fit, and that they’re great players. Which they are.

Addendum: Guitar player unfriended me on FB almost right after I sent the text. So I blocked him. Asshole.