Love in the Time of COVID-19

Thanks, I had no idea. I’ve passed along the info to an uninsured friend.


Everyone in the U.S. ready for the mind control and/or superpowers to kick in?


I got nuthin’ but a tiny little jump scare ¯\(ツ)


Well, at least it won’t go into their brains because you have to have brains for them to go into.


Can’t be any worse.

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As I currently have COVID, I kinda feel a little like a zombie. Does that count?


Here’s hoping yours is a relatively mild case that doesn’t last very long.


I tested positive on Tuesday, and had sinus drainage and body aches that day. I was exposed on Sunday. Today I tested negative and I feel about 90%. The benefits of being vaccinated and fully boosted. Amazingly, I live with and am a caregiver for an elderly disabled woman and she did not get it. She’s also fully vaxxed, and I masked around her this week. Vaccines and masks actually work.


I dunno, do you feel a strange pull to congregate near 5g towers and stick spoons to your skin?

…glad to hear you’re on the mend!


Here’s some more hopeful news about Long COVID.


The authors took this insight one step further, to identify if replenishing tryptophan or serotonin in patients who exhibit deficiencies could treat long COVID symptoms. They demonstrated that serotonin levels could be restored, and memory impairment reversed, in small animal models through treatment with serotonin precursors or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

“There has been some evidence to suggest that SSRIs could be effective in preventing long COVID, and our research now presents an opportunity for future studies to select specific patients for a trial who exhibit depleted serotonin, and to be able to measure response to treatment,” said co-senior author, Benjamin Abramoff, MD, MS, director of the Post-COVID Assessment and Recovery Clinic, and an assistant professor of Clinical Physical Medicine.


I’m finding it hard to get the vaccine here. Tried to make an appointment at the pharmacy, but they had nothing through October, and I had my annual checkup at the doctor today so I asked there and they said they also don’t have it.

My wife works at the hospital though, and said they definitely have it since they’re going around and giving the vaccines to all the employees and she got hers. So Monday I’m going to the hospital. That and flu vaccine and some bloodsucking for whatever tests the doc ordered.

I just find it weird that it’s hard to get it now, when the last couple of years were so easy. I thought they had that figured out. For awhile there, it seemed like you could just walk into a gas station to buy a candy bar and they’d be like “Would you like a Covid vaccine with that?” Well, not quite, but almost.


We were able to get ours a couple weeks ago at a CVS pharmacy. Finding a location to get vaccinated wasn’t a problem, but finding a location that would be receiving the kids vaccine was more difficult. My wife could only find one location nearby, and we had to make an appointment weeks in advance. The nurse who was administering the vaccines said that she was doing 100+ per day by appointment only, which was somewhat encouraging in the sense that demand hasn’t dropped off completely.

On the other hand, we went on a field trip with my daughter the other day and there were a couple of adults discussing whether they were going to get the latest vaccine, and seemed to be leaning towards not doing so. That suggests to me that some subset of people are treating this a lot like the flu vaccine, in that they consider it an annoyance rather than a necessity. :frowning:


Finally got mine, but it was kinda funny. Went to the other side of New Hampshire to see my doctor and they were confused that I live in Vermont. Came back and got the bloodwork done here, but they were confused that my doctor was on the other side of New Hampshire. Then had to go back to New Hampshire to get the vaccines and they were confused because my current address is Vermont but their records say I live on the other side of New Hampshire.

I’m a citizen of the world. Just stick some needles in me and do the things.


Got the latest this weekend… actually got some real side-effects. Had some chills, nausea, etc for a short bit Saturday night/Sunday morning, and then was tired all day on Sunday, with some achiness… and of course, sore shoulder where I got the shot.


Oh no, the grifters are going after the flu shot now.