Love in the Time of COVID-19

The previous statewide shelter-in-place order was essentially “if you might die from catching this, shelter in place”.

This is rich, though:

He also said he was informed of new data that this virus “is now transmitting before people see signs.”

“Those individuals could have been infecting people before they ever felt” symptoms, he said. “We didn’t know that until the last 24 hours.”

Where the hell has he been the last two months?


The same place they buried the intelligence report that Seth mentions in the video I just posted?


I’m trying to be of good cheer. I’ve loved these songs since I was a kid (1969, yup, I was a kid!). Right now, the second one is sounding VERY good; no matter what the atmospheric conditions, we can all let a little or a lot of sunshine into our hearts.


Pretty obvious where his head has been (and still is).


Addressing reporters, President Donald Trump began the the announcement by telling reporters that “as governments and nations focus on the coronavirus, there’s a growing threat that cartels, criminals, terrorists, and other malign actors will try to exploit the situation for their own gain.”

Well, he would know.


I can easily see Trump riding this disease into a second term.


If he cancels the election and refuses to leave the White House, would that be a second term, an extended first term, or President For Life? :thinking:


I still say, the military and Secret Service will be happy to show him what the laws are, once they’re no longer bound to serve HIM as President.

He has burnt every bridge there.


Well, I guess it won’t happen. He will win easily, especially if he can get the alt-right to help keep the infections and deaths going till November.

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I know the Secret Service agent who drives and maintains the limo. Those guys fucking LOVE Trump. I’ve known two agents and they are both so fucked up with daddy issues that you cannot even imagine. The guy who drives the limo, I know him well. He rented out a room to my ex-husband when we first reconnected. He came to our wedding. That guy would rather die and infect his whole family with this disease than admit that Trump is not the perfect human.

These agents hate the democrats and spread all kinds of rumors about them considered to be “inside knowledge.” Don’t count on the Secret Service to protect us from the president.


Life. But how long is life, truly.

And…there’s another tick mark on some list.


Yep. Glad those California Gun stores are essential business.

I will say, one federal count of train wrecking was not on my bingo card this week.


Please clean your mental eyeballs or glasses, or whatever you’re seeing that with.

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I need you stop speaking in definitive terms like this, as if it’s some kind of foregone unchangeable conclusion written in stone… PLEASE.

Yes, the worst is VERY possible but it hasn’t happened yet, and none of us has a crystal ball.

The fucker could easily still die or stroke out between now and November, for instance.

(Cold comfort, but it’s what I cling to to keep myself sane these days.)


Sorry about that. I guess that’s how my brain works: anticipate the worst and then be pleasantly (is that word?) surprised. Of course, it’s part of my anxiety and depression but that’s a different thread.

But, yeah, at this time we need hope! Thanks for the reminder.


If that’s the way it turns out, I imagine that it could very well end in him getting the Qaddafi treatment. Not that I endorse the citizenry literally tearing him to bloody pieces in the street, I just think it becomes more likely the more he behaves like Qaddafi, is all.

Or… y’know, we could finally do the General Strike, that we’ve been needing for a generation.


I think a lot of people want to judge Trump on his response to So Korona, but don’t know how to rate that response yet. I can’t set his crimes against humanity aside, but a lot of people obviously can.

So he has a reset to about 45% approval. But he’s vulnerable if his response proves inadequate, or if his early dismissive comments get more attention. Like in that ad he’s been trying to censor…


I know those feels, all too well; being an empath on top of that really SUCKS and not in the good way.

If you’re ‘sending,’ then I’m ‘receiving…’ or having to work really hard at shielding…

And lately, my ‘Wax On, Wax Off’ has been pulling hella overtime…