Love in the Time of COVID-19


Really looking forward to November.


More on the Grags:



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But honestly, he had the correct response. I give him points for not trying to explain it away:

My wife is an adult capable of making her own decisions, and in this instance she exhibited a stunning lack of judgement. She now faces the same consequences for her ill-advised decision as the other individuals who chose to violate the ‘Stay At Home’ order during this incident.


And related…


Tom Lehrer said roughly the same thing when Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize.


Ow, I think I sprained something while rolling my eyes…


I hope that before he succumbs to SARS-2020 (better a prison riot), he DIES IN A FIRE. How is this twat going to cure anyting? His whole business model is to steal other people’s work.


would quibble with this statement.

The mandate for everyone to hunker down shattered all of the plans she’d laid to distract herself from the emotional turmoil, but wound up providing an opportunity for introspection.

“introspection” is not necessarily something that a depressed person enjoys…


. . . but feel better . . . . You’re . . . "

not me.


It’s a pandemic panopticon:

I got an email about this because I’ve purchased some of their cameras before. There is a significant price gap between their regular cameras and this thing.


My brother-in-law works at an “essential” job (manufacturing) and his union just managed to secure $150/week Hazard Pay (effective retroactively) for any weeks that have been stay-at-home for the general public.



I finished my fourth homemade facial mask today, and it’s hanging to dry in the basement after being hand-washed. After it’s dry, it and the other three will get ironed. Photos taken at that point in time will be posted here.


Journal of the Corona Year


I had furniture delivered today: a bookcase with sliding windowed doors and a bed with storage drawers under it. I bought them back in mid-February, back when the world was terrible in a more normal way and I was feeling more confident.

I was surprised to find that deliveries were still being made. That seems like something the city or the co-op board would have put a stop to. But no one stopped it, so it happened. The deliverymen took no special precautions other than wearing face masks.

The bed came in five parts and required some assembly, all part of the service, so the deliverymen were going to be in my apartment for a while.

Based on advice I got from the Brian Lehrer Show, I opened all the windows and stayed as far away from them as possible. Generally good advice. I know whenever I have moved or assembled furniture, fresh air and a little privacy was always appreciated.

After they were done I sprayed the room down with Lysol Disinfectant Spray. Then I washed the floor. Then I cleaned-over the wood with oil to clear off the dust and stray pieces of styrofoam. This is actually what I would have done anyway, but it felt more meaningful.

As I was cleaning the bookcase I noticed it leaned forward slightly. There are “levelers,” or adjustable feet, but the deliverymen had forgotten to leave the included Allen wrench with me.

On the corner of Third Avenue and 93rd Street there is the one hardware store still open in the area. For the past few weeks they have been operating for shortened hours, I think 11:00 – 2:00. As it was 1:00 I decided it was a good time to get some Allen wrenches and a cup of coffee.

As I left my door I saw that although the deliverymen had cleaned up the packing materials pretty well, they left a lot of small pieces of styrofoam scattered around the hall. Since I was headed to the basement with recycling in my hands, I made a note to myself to pick these up myself when I got back.

When I got to Navarro’s Hardware about 15 minutes later, it was all closed up. There was a hand-written sign on the door, behind the security gate. Due to the coronavirus they would be closed for all of this week and probably the next.

I got coffee at Rocco’s and returned to my building. I take the stairs as much as possible for the exercise and to avoid the tight little elevator.

Just as I got to the fourth floor I saw the building’s “Super” was already there sweeping the hallway. I felt bad. I explained that I had planned to pick it up when I got back, and held up my paper cup of coffee.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “I can’t even function without that stuff.”

I also added that it was a way I can support any of the small businesses in the area that are still open.

This is when I learned he was against the whole quarantining idea. He mentioned how many people died during the H1N1 pandemic and we didn’t shut down businesses then. In his opinion, if everyone wears masks and we keep our distance we’ll be fine.

I didn’t have any concrete numbers regarding the H1N1 pandemic. I could have pointed out that the entire world isn’t shutting down on a whim, but I didn’t want to get into a political argument with someone sweeping up the dirt outside my door.


Wow… middle of a pandemic, years since Clinton’s been heard from much, and this is the ad I see on youtube on a Daily Show video. A whole new dimension to the old meme…



doesn’t ring use infrared cameras? i wonder if their grey scale would be enough to detect a fever. ( asking for my big brother… )