Love in the Time of COVID-19

I wish the US had people like Ardern in power.


The American right:

ā€œWe canā€™t let the cure be worse than the disease!ā€


ā€œBut have you tried injecting lysol? miracle mineral solution? could we perhaps get the radiation inside the bodyā€¦?ā€

(and hydroxychloroquine has nasty side-effects too. does anyone else find their attitude self-contradictory?)


Everyone but them.


You may all have seen this but I post it just in case:




I canā€™t but help think of this donation derby from Cat and Girl when I see her with her bandana onā€¦

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So, the neighbors that caused me trouble last year - actually, just the one household member, the young guy who told me I shouldnā€™tā€™ve ā€œcalled the fucking cops, you fucking bitchā€ the same night I called the cops because they were playing their music too loud after curfew - are having a gathering.

ā€œAll public and private gatherings are prohibited, so you should not interact with anyone outside of your household. The only exception to this rule is for funerals, which must be limited to ten people.ā€ from the Michigan Radio website re the revised stay-at-home order.

What do I do? I donā€™t want to be the one to tell them thereā€™s a pandemic going on - Iā€™ll lose my temper. And I fear retaliation if I call the cops. Any suggestions?


Thatā€™s a tough one. Can you communicate with other neighbors and form a united front with someone else other than you calling the police?


This isnā€™t that kind of neighborhood; the neighbors north of the troublesome ones are flying a ā€œPolice Lives Matterā€ flag, and I think they kind of get along which is weird because the ones right next to me are Hmong.

Itā€™s as if no one really cares about what happens to anyone else but themselves. This is also the 'hood where I got one card re my motherā€™s death. No food, no flowers, nothing. When my house got robbed, no one saw anything (I donā€™t believe it, but nothing I can do as it was back in '16).

My lawn is growing and I canā€™t mow it any more due to my wrists. I hate to say it, but back in the old days, even a neighbor who hated my guts would still mow it for me, even if it was just to make the street look better. But even before COVID-19 there was little interaction. I donā€™t get it.


Iā€™m sorry. Thatā€™s not great at all. Youā€™d figure the PLM neighbors would not like the gatherings as well?

maybe you can do an end run around police, get in touch with whoever represents you on your city or county council? Or maybe call the public health department in your county if they continue to have gatherings? Itā€™s a legitimate public health threat now, and I suspect someone will take this seriously.


A few nights ago, an ambulance and fire truck came to their house. Itā€™s the first time Iā€™d seen them practice social distancing and wearing masks. I didnā€™t see anyone get in to the ambulance, and Iā€™ve no clue what happened.

Also: The younger man was out riding a bike with the kids the same day. No problem - except he was holding the baby in one arm and steering the bike with the other. And no one said shit - including me. Heā€™s a bully. I feel dreadful because Iā€™m scared of him. And I donā€™t want my son starting anything.


Any gatherings since then?

You shouldnā€™t. He sounds like a bully that no one is willing to stand up to.


Hard to tell, there wasnā€™t a gathering that night, just the family there.

Heā€™s a vet, too, and only in his late 20s. Heā€™s got anger problems and possibly PTSD. I think the older folks are all from the old country, not sure about the younger women.


This is a tough problem, but it still feels like the authorities need to be involved, since they are now responsible for endangering public health on top of endangering public safety. I also donā€™t feel like itā€™s fair to put that on YOUR shoulders, since this guy has already threatened you. I donā€™t knowā€¦ an anonymous tip to someone?


Well, everyoneā€™s left nowā€¦for now. Iā€™ll just wait and see, but Iā€™m now wearing a mask whenever I go outside my home, not just for grocery-shopping.

Itā€™s not, but it seems Iā€™m the only person on the block raised to be a bloody citizen, fercripessakes.

UPDATE: Visitors came back, theyā€™re having a cookout.


Yeah, that seems like a problem. Iā€™m sorry. Keep wearing your mask and staying safe.


She said she was ā€œforcedā€ to quarantine which violated her First Amendment rights.
ā€œI have been told not to participate in public or private accommodations as requested by the government, and therefore denied my 1st amendment right of freedom of religion,ā€ Whitlock wrote.
She says an arrest in that situation would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Sometimes, you really, really, really want to reach through your monitor and slap someoneā€¦


You have to wonder what happened to fuck up her thinking so badly.


Nooooo, youā€™d get sick


If it meant slapping some sense into someone like thisā€¦ small price to pay.

Besides, could always wear gloves. With a biohazard container and plenty of replacement gloves handy if they started to break down from the slappingā€¦