Love in the Time of COVID-19


I’d send it to my acquaintance but he wouldn’t get that it’s satire and just call it fake news.


No, no, they explained that it’s just that all Asian people look alike. :wink:


It’s OK. The virus leaves him alone because it’s not sure he’s human.


Journal of the Corona Year

4/28 — A Brush with Greatness

Today around 12:30 I took a walk to the Walgreens on 3rd Avenue. I needed a particular type of lightbulb. I doubted they would have it, but it was a sunny day and the walk would make it worthwhile.

There was a line of people waiting outside the store attempting to stand 6 feet apart. The line was from the front of their building to the back. There was an employee at the entrance manually operating the automatic sliding door. For each person that left, he would let one in. You could hear him locking the door each time he closed it. I waited in line approximately 15 minutes to get in.

They did not have the lightbulbs I needed.

I proceeded back to the automatic doors to leave. The exit door did not open for me. I asked the employee managing the doors “do I exit the same way?” He must have heard that question a lot. “Yeey” he tiredly replied. This caused me to pass within a foot of him. We were both wearing masks of course.

I walked back to my building and walked up the stairs. When I got back to apartment I washed my hands and mask.

As I was standing at the sink, with hands covered in soap suds, I could hear the sound of a plane approaching. This is not unusual. Passenger planes fly over Bay Ridge all day. The plane sound got louder, and then a lot louder.

It quickly became so loud that it didn’t seem absurd to wonder if it was going to crash. The plane roared over the building accompanied by a particular whooshing sound I’ve only ever heard on the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show opening. It was all over in an instant. The plane was so low it blotted out he sun coming in the windows.

“What was that?” I wondered.

Later this afternoon I found out it wasn’t one plane. It was the Blue Angels. They were buzzing around New York to show support to hospital employees. I don’t exactly see the connection, but I guess someone arranged it.

So, if I had come home five minutes latter, I would have been outside. I could have seen them scorching the rooftops firsthand. Maybe next time.


There was something similar today in Kansas City:

I did not see or hear them from my basement where I’ve been working, but they may not have flown close enough for me to have seen them anyway.


Had a strange nightmare last night, about a plane crashing inthe park to the north, and then turning and demolishing the neighborhood with its wings. Had a lot of trouble with helicopters shaking the neighborhood too.


Stealth design validated!


Yeah, the POTUS had the idea to do this, here’s what happened in Philly:


Humans tend to fear what they don’t understand. If only folks would realize that science isn’t as difficult as it’s made out to be…


I usually take May 1 off, but the idea hasn’t even been on my radar. It kind of feels weird to bother with it while working from home.


In about 1990 or so, one of those planes flew right over my car while I was driving. It was just after dawn in the California dessert, and I was on the highway close to the Lockheed Martin plant where they worked on it. Almost nobody was on the road and I noticed that the huge doors on the building were open, which was weird.

All at once everything sounded like a freight train, and the sky above me got black. It scared the shit out of me for about one second, but then it took off like a shot and was gone.

I got home, and mentioned it to my father. He told me I was lucky, since almost nobody actually sees the plane from close up, it was usually a tiny triangle in the sky. I think my story helped me avoid the conversation about why exactly I was arriving home at dawn. I was probably 17, and the answer was not something he would have appreciated.


They’re experts, which means automatically they’re not trusted.


I think I need brain bleach.


The US is at the magical number of 60,000 deaths – 60,495 at this moment. Does anyone think the curve is going to sharply level off today?


Maybe he thought it was a yarmulke? Oh wait, that’s his hair.


And that pisses me the fuck right off, this thing against scholarly folks who can read and write intelligently. Urrrrrrrghh, don’t get me started, LOL!

Remember when science was encouraged? Yeah, I wasn’t born yet then, either.