Love in the Time of COVID-19

Who would have thought that opening prematurely would make the number of cases/hospitalizations/deaths go up? Somebody should have told them./s


Oregon’s cases had a recent spike but we didn’t have much more than a few tragedies involving long-term care. Since the first part of the first wave and the shelter order, the state has been pretty cautious and our cases are pretty low. In the absence of more testing or a vaccine, it seems no one can bank on either waiting for a vaccine OR reopening fully with testing-based local orders.



This kid has moves:




But her emails!!!


I guess killing people gives trump a thrill.

I wish there was a “this makes me angry as hell” button.


We got our mandatory “on-line training” (that is - a powerpoint deck) that after reading it we had to check the little, Yes I read it box.

We still don’t have any time frame when we will return, but it sounds like we will be letting some people back in on July 6th. So I had to survey my peeps and see if anyone wanted to come back full time, come back on a schedule (e.g. - every other week) or stay at home. (The unasked 4th option of "Do you have an employee who needs to be coming in to the office) wasn’t presented to the team.

Our procedure is to self-take temperature when you get to the office (or from home before you leave, they clarified) and answer an online survey before entering the building any day you are going to work there. I heard we have the one-way aisles, the site with Elevators is one person per elevator, no coffee maker(!), only every other cube filled. Fortunately, if you are in your office or cube, you can leave your mask off


Tuesday was the 3rd-highest count of new Corona cases in the United States.

This was a bad sign, showing that the virus definitely isn’t going away.

Yesterday was the 2nd-highest, moving tuesday to 4th.

Today is the highest, moving yesterday to 3rd, and tuesday to 4th.

This isn’t showing up in the death count, and it’s likely part of this was because of less extensive testing during the 1st wave, and more extensive testing now. Trump is working on changing that, cutting off funding for test sites in hotspots. That way the increase in Coronavirus case reports will be a bit slower, and after 2 or 3 weeks, the increase in Coronavirus deaths will be a bit faster, like in the 1st wave.



My husband can’t go back to work without a negative covid test. Getting it returned is actually going to take as long as the 14-day quarantine.


Wait a week or two, then it’ll likely show. The cases shot up and leveled off around April 2-12, while the death count shot up and leveled off similarly around April 14-25. If it takes about a week for symptoms, a week to get really sick, and a week to deteriorate, you can expect deaths to trail new cases.

Also during April lockdown was in effect. Now people are running around freely, with many refusing to wear masks. So we might not see the same leveling off as quickly.

However, I will say that the death count consistently going down from then until now does support your idea regarding more testing making the cases:deaths ratio higher. But also it trails the infection count by a bit also.


This is one of the confounding things on early studies on daycares and schools. Early studies showed little spread at schools. But that was during lockdowns. We entered Phase Two reopening, which opened bars. Our school lasted 3 weeks.


Template/tutorial for making foam masks with fabric filters, for a mask that holds up off of the face. I’m waaay out of practice with sewing but a no-sew option like this looks pretty easy to me. No idea how well they protect, of course…


There’s literally no one to root for in this situation.


My son and I went to a different Meijer because we’re bored with the one we’ve been going to. It’s in Roseville, MI, and it’s a bigger store. We saw LESS people wearing masks than we see at the store near our home. UGH.

I also walked up to Walgreens to get my Rx for Lexapro and on the way home, I saw the homeless Black man that I helped earlier. I greeted him, saying that it was good to see him. He appears to be okay as he can be under his present circumstances.


Longstoryshort, the virus can knock out part of the immune system while kicking other parts into overdrive, requiring a variety of immuno-enhancements, immunosuppresants, and immunostabilizers-if-such-a-thing-exists.


So my ex-boyfriend/rapist died of COVID-19 recently. I can’t say I’m sorry. But I do feel bad for the relatives he left behind.

Update: Just found it was a heart attack. That doesn’t surprise me one bit.

And what’s killing me is that folks are saying on my friend’s post on FB about it what a great guy he was. Cripes. Even AFTER I commented thusly:

Sorry…he raped me when we were going together…I feel bad for his family, but not for him. And wasn’t it spelled “Kenney”?