Love in the Time of COVID-19




Interestingly, mine had been similar - no TP, flour, pasta sauce and hand soap. I went twice yesterday for groceries and everything else was okay.

Late this afternoon I went to get a couple of other things, and the stock was literally about half gone. No fresh vegetables at all, no packaged bread, almost all tinned foods…

I know that most supermarkets restock on a Just In Time kind of basis, so I’m not sure how long it will take to restock everything that was gone. Glad my freezer is full at least…




They checked?

Sorry. My wife had her first cataract surgery last week. It went great. But the second procedure is postponed. She’s pretty myopic so now has eyes that don’t focus together. I hope we didn’t catch Covid19 at the hospital.

If we had closed things down earlier, the first one wouldn’t have happened. Thank you, Mr. Asshole President.


Welt am Sonntag also quoted an unidentified German government source as saying Trump was trying to secure the scientists’ work exclusively, and would do anything to get a vaccine for the United States, “but only for the United States.”


what a fucking shitlord


It’s not much better by where I live, lemme tell ya. We went to Meijer around 11:30 last night (Saturday)…it wasn’t mobbed but you could tell these people were thinking like we were, that there wouldn’t be anyone there. No tp. No wipes. No dairy milk, other than buttermilk. No bread. No ground beef. No saltines. No hand-dishwashing liquid. Signs up on the empty TP shelves saying there was a limited amount permitted per customer. There was bacon, though, lol.


so does he mean-- school’s out for the summer–or does he mean-- school might start up in January 2021?



“There’s a lot of concerns with the economy here because people are scared to go out,” Nunes said on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.” “But I will just say one of the things you can do if you’re healthy, you and your family, it’s a great time to just go out, go to a local restaurant. […] “Don’t run to the grocery store and buy, you know, $4,000 of food,” he said. “Go to your local pub.”

And, for a similar exchange:

Imagine a world where you feel like you need to brag about contributing to an emergency that’s causing deaths just so you can own the libs…


David Nunes:

Let’s not hurt the working people in this country that are relying on wages and tips to keep their small business going.”

From the party who has blocked minimum wage increases for years.

I think we should convince Katie Dumbass that despite what the libruls say, it’s fun to drive off cliffs.


Sent out of town for the week as I could drive to the site for a project.

Hope I can find food. Not sure if Wisconsin has shut down restraunts and bars like Illinois.


I mean, I recall that as the pretty standard no-it’s-not-racism-actually excuse for voting Trump in the first place.


ZOMG!!! Mitt, what has come over you?


Thing is, for most people who need it, a one-time $1000 check would be a drop in the bucket as far as relief in the middle of this mess goes. And for the people who don’t need it, you’re just throwing money with no real goal.

It’s not the worst idea, and at least it’s not aimed at corporations. But what is it with Republicans and the idea that a (relatively) small, one-time, direct payday is what Americans need?


It would be $1K more than we have right the heck now, I can say as being one of the “most people”.


That was intended as “most of the people who need it”, not “most people”, and definitely not a slight on those who do need it.

The thing is… there are a LOT of long-term things that could be done to assist those in that group. Like a healthcare system that fully functions for people who don’t have the money to pay for the treatment if they get sick from this, or guaranteed paid sick leave, or so much more. The thing of “no, that stuff is too expensive… instead, let’s just take money that was paid into the public trust to pay for long-term civilization, and hand it out whether the recipients need it or not” just really pisses me off.

I mean, I, personally, don’t (currently) need it, and I would MUCH prefer my portion of it going to something that actually improves the situation for those who do need it. Because maybe in the future I will need it (or have needed it in the past). Even if I were to donate that money, it would only go so far before it was whittled down, and the impact of it would be FAR more local to me.

But, at least the idea is a bit more even-handed than that “we may pay off the national debt too fast, so let’s give everyone a small amount of their taxes back” stunt Bush did.