Love in the Time of COVID-19

That’s horrible.

I was thinking the assailant might be more familiar.


But it’s shitty that he is dealing with this. I read up on why he’s been off the screen. He seems like he is a really devoted dad.


I don’t think Louis ever got hit by Slimer, did he?

I’m just glad he’s alive. I have a crush on him.

There’s a character that’s kind of a goofy go-fer in the SCTV episode "Lola Bounces Back!’ (on YouTube) that’s a proto-Louis-Tully, but his name is Gene. As you and everyone has probably guessed, I’m a MAVEN, lol.


NOBODY sucker punches BoB McKenzie and gets away with it!

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Well, let’s face it: one person is simply reaping what he has sown; the other was a good person who was sucker-punched for no reason.


@Nightflyer that’s a lot closer to you than I, lol!


There are a lot of posts here lately that have nothing to do with COVID-19. Just sayin.’

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I don’t know if you mean the above or not…to me, it means there’s a place for people to go where it’s safer than being in an enclosed space…somewhere to go and get out of the house.

And crazy things are happening due to the virus that haven’t happened before, and we have to deal with them in ways we aren’t used to, in many if not all cases.

How many of the posts on this thread have actually had to do with love and COVID-19?

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Not necessarily directed to you, no. I just thought this topic was for news or personal experiences related to the current pandemic. The “Love in the Time of” was added by site administrators shortly after the topic’s creation as a humorous reference to “Love in the Time of Cholera.”


Sometimes I feel like Michael Corleone: “It’s all personal.”

I know. But I also recognize my ability to go off on and stretch out tangents like a huge orb-weaver’s web, lol.


Yup, that’s about a half-hour’s drive from me. :smiley:

It does help relieve some quarantine stress to go outside for a while. Last week, my aunt, grandmother and I took a trip up to Kensington State Park and took a stroll along the lake. It was so nice to get out of the house and see the wildlife, and there was plenty of room to observe a six-foot distance with the other people around. That trip made me feel better than I have for a good while… form both the surroundings and the company.

(Yes, it was a little risky for us to get together, but we all isolate most of the time, and both my aunt and I have been helping Grandma out because at ninety-three she can’t get out so much. We’re following the “pod” or “bubble” strategy.)


Whitmer responded to the decision calling it “deeply deeply disappointing, and I vehemently disagree with the court’s interpretation of the Michigan Constitution.”

The ruling also came the same day that Whitmer rolled back the reopening phase of the state’sUpper Peninsula region, citing an upsurge in cases there.



Thing is, isn’t this like yelling at someone for closing the barn door after the horse got sick?

Wait’ll she gets a chance to fix the damn roads - EVERYone will love her then, and I ain’t kiddin’!


I know there are data people here with far more experience than me, by a long way, but my eye is still twitching a little after reading this.

Columns? SMH


There’s their first problem. Excel isn’t a database.


Excel is supposed to be a spreadsheet, but a spreadsheet should work as a component of a database, either in datatype or presentation or both. Excel cannot do that, so it isn’t even a usable spreadsheet.


Ars is reporting it differently:

PHE had set up an automatic process to pull this data together into Excel templates so that it could then be uploaded to a central system and made available to the NHS Test and Trace team as well as other government computer dashboards.

The problem is that the PHE developers picked an old file format to do this - known as XLS.

As a consequence, each template could handle only about 65,000 rows of data rather than the one million-plus rows that Excel is actually capable of.

And since each test result created several rows of data, in practice it meant that each template was limited to about 1,400 cases. When that total was reached, further cases were simply left off.


This bothers me to no end. Everyone agrees that it was a technical fuckup, correct? In real life, the way technical people avoid fuckups like this is to pay attention to attention to details and figure out exactly where things could and would go wrong. Yet all the technically oriented journals seem not to agree on a set of facts. They’re speculating, which is not how software engineers should approach a problem.


My state’s still doing really well, and my city has been doing well, but as of today we’ve been upgraded to a ‘red’ community with ‘substantial’ instead of ‘moderate’ spread. “the COVID-19 numbers […] have been trending up for the past month as schools reopen” (well who could ever have predicted that?!) Some local businesses have had to shut down again due to outbreaks among their employees. Now they’re urging everyone to get flu shots, not so much because of the flu, but so that medical won’t have to deal with an upsurge of both at once.

But then I see news stories where other places have it so much worse, and that reminds me to be glad that we’ve had it so good.


Yeah, Excel is best left to things it’s actually good at.

…Like being a flight simulator. :stuck_out_tongue: