Meh... for all of life's okay events

The first thing I thought of after reading that was, “That looks like a sub-head on the cover of a pulp magazine.” Either that, or the story of both my ex-marriages. (I’m not kidding about the latter, LOL! But in those cases “knowing” and “accepting” are two different things…wait, aren’t they in most cases, if not all?)


You’re my hero. How do you DO that? Or do you not have a lot of things, LOL?


Neighbor’s left me alone. I’m still kinda paranoid, though.


I know I need to get a lot of shit done in the first part of the week, as my kids will be home Thu-Fri.

But …

I got my period, and I’m craving raw or rare fish, so I think I’m going to skive off and get a beer and a salad with fish.

Edit: Yes, it’s a very on-the-nose craving. Get your jokes in.


Ooh, now I feel like I want some poké…


Haha no, I wish. Just going through all the little things on my desk ended up taking three hours.

The trick is let it go until you literally can’t walk anyway then you have no choice. (Or, realize company’s coming.)


I just spent the majority of my day registering my kid for high school and dealing with repetitive bureaucracy; oh joy.

At least its over now and she got the classes she wanted for her first semester.


High School!
I’m glad she got the classes she wanted!


Crazy how time flies.


Welp, everybody fired all their missiles. The flashpoint was health care then border control and immigration. At one point, since we’ve been doing so well the last couple days, I said “are we really doing this” but I’m not in a mood to take any shit and he’s not the kind of guy to keep his opinion to himself. Also invoked were U.S. militarism, overthrow of democratically-elected leaders in central and south America, capitalism and a flood of people coming to America to claim benefits and take all our stuff. Turns out I have a surprise ally in my niece and my other sister, while (as I had to figure, since they’re married) not so much my one sister. I’m not better off for having taken part in that exchange. Now we’re going to look at meteors.


My child started her first day of high school today; no hug or kiss goodbye this morning, not that I really expected any.


They grow up too fast.


She’s been ‘huggy-bear’ with me way longer than most kids her age, though; I really can’t complain.


Was awoken this morning out of a hyper-realistic dream and had to take nearly five minutes to gain my bearings.

The sudden transition from “dream reality” to laying in bed going “where and what the fuck is going on” was a very off-putting start to the day.


Earlier this month, I had a mammogram, that showed something concerning. Today I went for an uncomfortable ultrasound, that may cost me $850, to find out that it’s a cyst.

So, yay for not-cancer, tempered by boo for cysts.


Ugh. I went through that a few years ago, and it was bad enough without having to worry about the $850 part.


Thanks, I’m hoping the final bill comes in lower but it’s fucking roulette in the USian medical system. I mean sometimes they have zero clue what something might cost but at least today they had a price sheet. Woo.

Mostly, though I hope it goes back to being not painful, like before someone spent 10 minutes pressing on it with an ultrasound wand.


I know that feeling because I’m still waiting for bills to come in from my procedure in June. Because really, who knows? I had one come in that said AMOUNT: $3687 WRITE-OFF: $3622 DUE: $65. What even was that? It felt like realizing a giant boulder rolled across the highway inches behind your car when you never even saw it coming.


My AC is working again, after 4 repair visits, during which time both the fan and the motor on the 6 month old unit were replaced.

The company sent me invoices via email after each visit. They’re 100% covered by the 5 year warranty (they all have a 100% discount right before the final total), but they don’t make me feel any better about the unit.

But it’s working again and the repair person seemed to have his shit together, so. Fingers crossed.


I am sorely tempted to wear shorts to the office today. While the dress code is lax, I think that’s one step beyond.

But I doubt there will be a dozen people there. I’d have taken the day off, but let over half my team take a long weekend so someone has watch the fort.

Joyous Labor Day Weekend comrades.