We have 144 users.
Of these, 102 have reached Trust Level 2, which has access to the Clubhouse.
Of these, 46 have reached Trust Level 3, which has access to the
Yesterday, our top 29 users spent 2088.34 server time units.
We have 144 users.
Of these, 102 have reached Trust Level 2, which has access to the Clubhouse.
Of these, 46 have reached Trust Level 3, which has access to the
Yesterday, our top 29 users spent 2088.34 server time units.
What exactly does that mean?
Yeah, could we get that number in elephants or olympic-sized swimming pools?
They each spent about an hour-and-a-quarter waiting on the Café’s tables?
is there a way to check what our “trust level” status is? i honestly can’t recall where i stand.
aha. just so. thanks!
next question: where does a “regular” sit on the scale? is that Level 1?
It’s level 3. One of us, one of us.
Eeeew, no thanks. Imma stay over here with the honest freaks.
I thought it just meant an easier route for number 2. You wouldn’t sit on a scale for that, though.
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