I’ve been using an Evoluent vertical mouse to reduce strain on my right ulnar nerve. But I’m having trouble with my right thumb too, so maybe I should switch to another mouse some of the time. Any suggestions?
Basic Requirements:
Not a touch device!
Not a trackball, scrollwheel, or device which relies on scrollwheels. I can’t control trackballs, and I get terrible tendon pain fron trackballs and scrollwheels.
Either a horizontal mouse then or a vertical mouse which doesn’t rely on my thumb or a joystick. I don’t have much experience with joysticks.
At least left, scrolling, and right buttons, preferably also page up and page down. I’m not counting a wheel as a button. Even if you can click on it, I fear I would slip, and hurt my tendons on it. I’ve been using my thumb for page up and page down and could use another option there.
Does not rely on gestures, chords, or hard-to-reach buttons…
Mac compatible. If I need to program the buttons, then I want Mac tools to program them. If I don’t need to, it’s a bit simpler.
Any idea how to find a good mouse or other pointer?