Not Feminism 101

Communists don’t believe in rape and other forms of physical assault, then? That would be news to all the ones in my acquaintance. From what I remember of Marx’s writings, it would be news to him too.

By trying to make rape about “individualism” (WTAF), you’re gliding right by the assault part.

The part where harm is done to people.


Umm, OK… I am not going to argue it with you. But a search shows that even excluding your posts and mine, consent has been mentioned 31 times in this topic. So it seems that some people are indeed discussing it here. I will leave you to deal with them.

For people responding to each other, here’s an idea for us to try. One of the central tenants of a lot of the communication theory I’m exploring is that we don’t really know what the other person is trying to communicate. We need to be more curious about what people are trying to express and less sure of their intentions toward us.

What I am reading is people who are trying to engage with each other, but there’s a lot of reading between the lines, jumping to conclusions, judging, and labeling.

I would like to see more curiosity expressed to really understand what each other is saying without assuming so much that you know what point the other person is making.

So, instead of saying, “You obviously mean this,” one thing to try is a formula like:

When you write
"block quote here"

What I interpreted that as saying is blah blah blah.

Is this what you meant?


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Toward Better Communications on the BBS

Back on topic, this is both Canadian and Feminist, so a double whammy for you all!

Outside of Canada does anyone know who Jordan Peterson is?
And out side of MRA circles does anyone know what “Cultural Marxism” is?

Here’s a primer on both!

Basically, in Canada, we like our sexist racism to be as complex and stupid as possible. Go us?


Somehow he’s first on’s most wished for books. The Weird Boys (JPB fans) have sooo many alt accounts it’s not even funny.

/r/enoughpetersonspam is a great board that deals wity his hateful, mindless drivel.

Edit: sorry @enceladus, didnt mean to ninja


Yep, though not before he started targeting my friends. Also when I find someone retweeting him it’s a strong sign they’re at least alt-right “lite.”

Never understood what that was supposed to mean :laughing:

From the article:

So much this!


Its such a good article!!

I’ve been having go-rounds on FB with some of my more… shall we say, “easy to influence” friends, as they are reading his damn book and are all “No you guys, some of his advice is really good”. This medium piece does a great job breaking down his appeal.

@tinoesroho nod for the ninja! :wink:

Did you guys read the Macleans article? LOL - never new Macleans to throw such shade!!


“Cultural Marxism” is a snarl word used to paint anyone with progressive tendencies as a secret Communist. The term alludes to a conspiracy theory in which sinister left-wingers have infiltrated media, academia, and science and are engaged in a decades-long plot to undermine Western culture.

So basically, if you’re a feminist, or gay, or dare to oppose anything about “traditional western culture” by say being non-white, you’re a cultural marxist. LOL

When I realized it was just a conspiracy theory… my estimation of the people that use the term dropped considerably, and it was never very high to start with! LOL


This is fascinating – like wow, people, most of whom are not old enough to remember the 50s (hell, a lot of their parents aren’t old enough to remember the 50s) are playing something right out of the McCarthy era.

Makes me want to dig out my copy of Howl and re-read it.


I honestly had no idea it was a straight up conspiracy theory!
Thats so hilarious to me!

Also, have your Dworkin’s account of her relationship with Ginsberg? Its… not pretty.


Any sentence that has “Dworkin” and “relationship with” in it is probably going to result in “not pretty”. Don’t get me wrong, she had a lot of illuminating things to say, but sometimes it feels like her purpose in life was to illuminate all the painful and ugly ideas in the world. I always feel a bit sorry for her.


Jesus Christ on a Cracker!


Someone has to point out the emperor has no clothes right?

@ChickieD - I know right?


Maybe the context matters, beyond uncritically reacting to the presence of a word.

Maybe it’s not good optics, but I think we should infiltrate and take over. Also, complaints about Karltural Marx tend to be a US thing, which I tend to need to remind people is not a Western (European) culture, it is a colonial culture.

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Maybe you should read the articles and the links?


Despite all my despair about the world today… I do have hope for the future.

Young girls today, they ain’t putting up with shit.
And we need to buy them all the cakes and celebrate them!!


Or earlier.


Its amazing that we go from that… the year BEFORE (most) American women got the vote…
To today. Where the mere existence of feminism is a sign of a vast decades long conspiracy!
I mean… that is some hella koolaid they’re swilling, obviously its us wimmens fault.

(Also sidebar about the influenza pandemic, have you read accounts of that? Its terrifying!! And people fell ill and died within 12-24 hours!! Thats crazy!)


I read a story about a doctor here in Toronto being told a baby had fallen ill, right at the end of a very long day at the height of the epidemic. He promised to visit first thing in the morning.

When he showed up (first thing as promised), he found the door open, and everyone in the house – baby, both parents, another older child – dead. All he could do was alert the authorities to find next of kin and do the necessaries.