That article makes an excellent point about exploitation, but the statement it self isn’t entirely accurate.
Someone who ends up “famous” because they happened to get caught on camera and the video clip goes viral still has more of an expectation of “privacy” than someone who chooses a career that makes them into a public figure.
Whenever I find you, Ryan, you better be goddamn sorry.
You do not take “trophy pics” without people’s consent. You should definitely not send it to your bestie and then subsequently send it to her bestie You should definitely not ghost
We always joke at the tech conferences I tend to frequent that it is one of the few times that the men are queuing up for the bathroom and the women can come and go as they please.
It’s almost like there is some male dominated societal hierarchy one would think.
I don’t listen to enough NPR to comment about that, but certainly that seems the case sometimes at the CBC coughGhomeshicough. Maybe not so much right-wing as left-wing asshats who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.
I tried to listen to his show, but I really couldn’t. Even over the air he came across as a huge creeper.
I thought he lost his show a long time ago though…
Quite possibly the kinds of asshats who pretend to be liberal because it’s in fashion, but are really more than okay with right-wing bigotry and cryptofascism as long as they still benefit from it. I am surrounded by these asshats.
Public radio is a whole ecosystem of different institutions. Your local station can source content from PRI or PRX or WNYC or a zillion other places. The actual NPR-branded stuff, like All Things Considered, is not great.
And I think I read somewhere that NPR was originally created to undermine Pacifica?
Kinda like there are breakfast programs in schools now so the Black Panthers don’t do it.