Not Feminism 101

The latter, almost certainly.

Machismo, aka toxic masculinity on steroids, is rampant in Latin and tropical locales, in my experience.

Also, I hate the “tradition” of smashing cake into anyone’s face; it’s a needless mess and a waste of food.


I see it everywhere here. Machismo factors into so many aspects of life here, especially among the poorly educated.
Almost all driving/delivery jobs are held by men, and traffic is a strong mixture of risk-taking and road rage. You don’t see many women in other traditionally masculine jobs either (police, doctors, etc.).
Television, telenovelas in particular, still portray women along a scale from evil matriarchs to incompetent fools.

Side note: I would wish Mexico was able to keep up with the US and Canada on many cultural fronts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if US animosity helps to fuel those flames.

Aside from my doctor friend who is now getting married, I don’t even have much hope now in finding a girlfriend close to my age who mirrors or complements my attitude on life and/or culture.

ETA: After some contemplation, I think it should be said that even the US in general is rather backwards in its understanding of civil rights in our time, but here we have so much interconnectedness, while many in Mexico do not. There should be more spreading of information via social media here, as in the US. I just don’t know if it’s actually happening.


Aw, man! I’d had some hopes for you there.


Brianna Wu’s interviews are always bracing.


Too bad she stands no chance.


On paper, she stands a better chance than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did.

Although I have to agree that her chances look slim.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a complete unknown, but at least she seems like a real politician. Brianna Wu comes across as a fringe candidate, if that. I want to like her, I really do, but I don’t think she stands much of a chance, in this race or in any other, without a lot of cleanup.


I have a tiny galley kitchen, but it basically holds true to what the article says. Most of the counter space is used for dry goods storage because the cupboards are so small; I use a cutting board over a sink to prep food. The bits I use for cooking are clean, but the rest is too cluttered for that :flushed:

The main thing, I think, is to rethink this whole meals and feeding oneself thing. I have an entire precious cupboard – and then some – dedicated to microwave-safe containers I can bring to work. My brother with two school-age kids has an entire section of the kitchen dedicated to school and work lunch containers.

Anyone who doesn’t want to eat out every lunch – anyone watching budget and nutrients, anyone who works in a food desert – packs a lunch. Some people still brown bag, but most people use a reusable bag and reusable containers.

In the 50s, probably dad (unless lunch was part of his work) and maybe the kids needed packed lunches. And as much as it sucked, at least mom was home during the day to kind of sort of catch up.

Now everyone needs lunch packed, plus often breakfast is eaten en route, plus dinner needs to be made… that’s a lot of prep work, containers, food – but the kitchen is still designed as if someone were going to stay home all week and manage the house all day.


Hey, sometimes it works.

Don’t be such a sourpuss! Come on, give us a little twinkle!


Aw, there you go, sweetcheeks. Now, show us those pearly whites.


See? That wasn’t so hard, was it? Let that inner beauty out into the world, it brightens everybody’s day!

Now, let’s just do something about that hair.

See? You have such a pretty face, don’t hide it behind… er… uh…

Okay, yeah, I kinda see how women don’t really love putting up with that kind of shit.


My mother has one kidney, which made being pregnant very hazardous. Both my sister and I were planned cesarians, because of this – going through labour could have killed her. After I was born, she asked about getting a tubal ligation and was told that she needed her husband’s permission by the same doctor who was telling her that if she got pregnant again, it would probably kill her. To my father’s credit, he was furious that they felt he deserved a say, let alone the final say.

All that to say that the following thread is more common than people think, and it isn’t confined to Catholics.

This is the world Kavanagh and ilk want to see: one where women can’t even save their own lives without the permission of the men who control them (i.e. father or husband).


I mean, if one baby-oven dies, you just get a new one, it’s not like women are people, amiright?

I’m afraid that all I have are sarcasm and despair.


Quoting from something I posted long ago at the other place.

From here:



I’m not a fan of her music, but I’m beginning to wonder if this poor young lady is cursed? That shooting at her Manchester concert, getting groped at Aretha’s funeral, and now people are blaming her for her ex’s death.

Strikes me as this being a case of women being blamed for taking care of themselves instead of everyone else around them.


Cursed only by the number of idiots who know her name.