Not Feminism 101


“Our initial inspiration to create the piece was through witnessing its use in recent months as a powerful protest image,” the statement said.

Capitalism at its finest.


Jane Fonda kicks ass:


My mom was a gifted ed teacher. Originally, these programs were intended to help those unruly people in the classroom who are bored out of their skulls. They are at high risk of drug abuse, suicide, and dropping out. In other words, the bad kids, not the brown-nosing straight A super stars.

Sadly, as the word got out that special attention was being paid to these children, it got to be a big honor to be in the program and vocal parents advocated for their special snowflake to get in. And so all the teacher’s pet’s straight A brown-nosers got tested.

My mom hated how the thing got perverted.

There was this one class that was terribly disruptive. My mom tested them in 5th grade and like the entire class was gifted. :slight_smile:


This is fucked up…

But it’s the right wing that’s being censored! /s

Also, the only other song I can think of about abortion is Amanda Palmer’s song Oasis, which has beach boy style harmonies and features Ben Folds, who is also in the video…


Obviously they haven’t read the book, or seen the movie. If they had, they’d know about Jezebel’s, and Offred’s friend’s costume when she was held there.


Of course they haven’t read the book.


But, that’s not the one that’s been in popular usage. Of course they couldn’t co-opt that!


Yeah, but it’s a “sexy” version of the one that has been in use, from the book.


So. I had a short discussion on FB Messenger with the ex-boyfriend who raped me, and I want to talk about here because I’d like to get feedback from both the females and males here.

Out of boredom, I sometimes go and look at the FB pages of ex-friends. I’m a LOT better about it now, not doing it as often as I used to do. Anyhow, this guy doesn’t post much on his page, it’s mostly other folks’ posts that I see. But recently, he posted a rant about open jams and how he doesn’t get to play with the folks he wants to play with, and he gets stuck with the amateurs and gets ignored, blah blah blah (he’s a guitarist, btw). Pretty much the same shit he complained about when we were going together, so no growth there, eh?

Anyhow, I sent him a PM asking if he’d ever thought about going to an acoustic jam, and how the atmosphere isn’t as competitive, blah blah blah. He wanted to talk to me. I backed off, swiftly, but politely. He pressed - and accused me of “holding a childish grudge”! Really?! REALLY?! I told him I was being cautious, and that I’d forgiven him. YES I DID. Because he’s a sick fuck, basically - emotionally; he’s not big and dumb, but he IS big and emotional, which is what made him threatening to me. But holding a grudge doesn’t do anything.

I didn’t get a chance to tell him that forgiveness doesn’t mean I want to stay in contact with him.; I honestly was trying to share what worked for me, because I went through the same damned thing at those open jams, and I let him know that. I then get a rant back saying he didn’t want to get back with me in any way, physically or otherwise; that he didn’t even live near my area any more (duhhh, I knew that!); and that I was still holding that grudge.

Well now. I didn’t dignify it with comment, I simply blocked him. The part that bugs me the most is the “grudge” thing. Is being told WHAT I AM THINKING AND DOING by someone I’ve not had any contact with for six years or so, excluding random crossings on FB groups of which we were both members (and I ain’t any more, myself).

What did I learn? 1) Don’t presume that others have learned the same shit that I have from the same crappy situations; 2) Or that they’ve grown emotionally; and 3) Blocking is bliss.

Okay, I’m done. Thanks. Sorry if TL; DR.


The guy was abusive to you then, and is abusive to you now. He didn’t deserve the common decency of being offered salient advice. No fault to you for offering; but now you know that he’s still abusive and so you should go back to protecting yourself from him and have no contact in future.


Oh definitely. Curiously enough, I don’t feel a bit as though I’ve done anything wrong, except maybe believe that just because I chose to grow and change for the better, others will as well.


Hope springs eternal.


That “grudge” thing, though? Pure projection. But I think you already knew that.


This is what it was always about, TBH.






Oh, and I forgot to mention: I had “no business” looking at his FB page; even though it’s public. HELLLLOOOOOO?

I know I’ve gotten past a lot of the crap re this sitch because I’ve not cried over it. It does bother me, but not enough to dehydrate myself, lol.