Not Feminism 101

Maybe somebody could organize some sort of Trump Women Conservative Leadership field trip for a day, and get 'em all in front of the same bus?


A person might try, but given the photo ops on the news, it’ll be 60% dudes, anyway.


Also worthwhile.


A friend has a magical machine that supposedly cures trauma. I wonder if we bring it to a DAR convention or something if we can change the world.


I have two of those! You feed them, put them in your lap, and they start purring.


Mine refuses to sit in my lap, and bites me.

Ah, well.


The comments thread on this - heartbreaking to read.


That makes me want to fucking vomit.

It’s been a really hard couple of weeks. After watching the hearings, I emailed someone who I used to have a good relationship with. I’ve talked a little bit about how I went to a week-long work event a couple years ago, and at this event, an employee of the host monkeyed with my access to a lactation room. I ended up getting really serious impactions in my breasts and having to quit nursing ~10 mo early. It was scary and hard and traumatic. I didn’t approach the host because of something he did later in the week. Which was that, when I raised my hand to ask for help with something, he rushed up behind me, cut off my ability to get away, put his hands on my computer, and yelled at me. I barely managed to hold it together to get out of the room before having a sexual assault flashback and panic attack.

I initially reported the anti-mother discrimination a year after the workshop, when I felt able. Last Friday, I emailed and told him all of it. I’m just so fucking sick of ceding space to men. And I told him that he needs to think about how he approaches women. That its unlikely that I was the only rape survivor in that room, and that he’s damn lucky he triggered me because my sense of moral outrage will eventually top my fear, and he now gets the chance to do better. Maybe not for me - I don’t think we can be friends again, ever. But for someone else.

He responded fairly positively. So the dialogue is open. I’m not overtly hopeful, but I’m interested in seeing how this all plays out. Our science doesn’t overlap much, but our professional society memberships do. It would be really nice, and easier for both of us, if we could get along. But more importantly, it would be nice if we could be role models for how to ask for forgiveness in academic communities where power hierarchy exists where strongly, but are obscured by the culture.


I think I’ve mentioned it before, but it will always stay with me.

My senior year at Tulane, I lived off campus. It was about a 20 minute walk to school, or a 10 minute bike ride. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. I got wolf whistled at. And, being all of 21, I went through the gamut of emotions. At first, pleased in a way. Then, pissed off. Then, totally sick of it. Finally, just trying to ignore it. It got really really old.

When I graduated, my parents were in town. It was hard in lots of ways as my dad was just incapable of thinking of anyone else. So, this event that should have been all about me became all about him and my mom having some kind of flashback to their days at Tulane. He had so much anxiety that we didn’t discuss and my mom spent all her time trying to soothe him and manage that for him.

I remember driving back to my house and me telling him about the daily wolf whistles. And he simply denied that that could be true. (Which was quite typical of my dad when dealing with any uncomfortable emotion for him.) Like, I said, this happened to me, and he said, no, it didn’t. What a shock and a hurt. He can’t handle it; can’t even say that he can’t handle it, so he denies that it happens at all.


A workshop I taught at two years ago didn’t invite back any of the female faculty, or faculty of color. It is now an all-white, all-male workshop.

I’m so fucking angry.





Looking at the polls, and at increased support for the Republican Party as the Kavanaugh news sifts through, I can’t help but think 42% of Americans-- probably including a similar proportion of white women-- support rape.


YES! Because no matter how much space we cede, it’s NEVER fucking enough for them. NEVER.


I’m so pissed about this. I want us all to ride up and march. Shut the capitol down. Do not let this vote go forward. No dicks on the supremes!


Perhaps it’s time for a serious Lysistrata sex boycott? Kavanaugh, #metoo, proof of sovereignity, several birds with one stone? If there was anything that would get their undies in a knot, it would be that, right?

And yes, I’m a guy with no skin in the game, but man, I see something like that shaming the fiery hell out of the worst of the bunch.


You mind if I take the sombrero galaxy?
Don’t need it for anything right?

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I don’t think that increased support is because GOP voters are fans of sexual assault, obviously.

Well they are, obviously.