Not Feminism 101

Obviously. How much open praise for assaulters and mockery of their victims does he need to see?


You know, I just want to exist in THIS world as something other than a second class citizen, if that’s okay with you.


Well, we all know it’s gone too far… I mean it’s nice that women got their little moment in the sun to complain, but when it comes to men going to prison and maybe not getting a seat on the Supreme Court, which he totes deserves, well, that’s just going too far… some men might get their feelings hurt, and that’s what’s REALLY important, isn’t it? /s

Sigh… do depressing.


Well, if he wants to be a Very Serious Person, who is he to trust? what is he to do?


And now for some good news:



It’s the Patriarchy. It’s always the fucking Patriarchy.


As a teen, I engaged in some behaviours that I have since realized were incredibly creepy.

I’ve been working ever since then on doing my best to be not-creepy since then.

I’m slowly coming to the realization that, at my horny-teenage-boy creepiest, I may never have even risen above the level of the background radiation that women have to deal with on a daily basis.

I’m not sure if my reaction to that realization should be relief or horror, so I’m oscillating back and forth between the two.


I’ve learned similar things about family businesses in general. Two in particular spring to mind as a perfect teaching example:

Family business #1 is a general contracting firm. Current head is the grandson of the founder. He had 4 kids, but only one, the youngest, was a son. Only the son was raised to take over the business; it was made very clear to the girls that it was a man’s job that they should have no part of. By the time the son was late 20s, the girls were all married with children, living in other states, and working in entirely different industries. And then the son died of a drug overdose. His father is now dealing with the overwhelming guilt of losing not just a child, but the only child he invested his time and energy in, and thus the death of a three-generation family business as well. Plus, now he’s not going to have the easy retirement he’d planned on.

Family business #2 is heating/cooling. Current head is the son of the founder (who still putters around in the office and even goes on calls sometimes if there’s something tricky that is only seen once every 20 years or so). This boss had only two children, one son and one daughter. The son dutifully worked in the family business while growing up and continues to help out when needed, but it’s just not his cup of tea. Fortunately, the daughter was raised to work in the family business on an equal footing with her brother, and it turns out she LOVES the business. As an added bonus, she’s got 4 kids, so having a career with a lot of scheduling flexibility is perfect. And someone out of those 4 great-grandchildren is probably going to feel the same way, so the ongoing path seems much more stable.


Anyone want to guess which current family business owner is a staunch Republican who thinks Trump is Making America Great Again?


Yup. Those tweets and @chgoliz 's examples totally square with what I’ve seen.

In my family, it’s not a family business, just a family member. He’s well-educated, was born into an impressive family network of local professionals, is the eldest child and therefore the eldest son.

And he has never had a full-time job for a full year running in his life. Most of his jobs have been menial and short-term.

And the reason why boils down to, he figures as the eldest son of a locally quasi-prominent family, he’s entitled to success. He’s in his seventies now, and he has never clued in that his employers don’t give a shit who his dad is or who he is. That he maybe should have done the damn work assigned to him.

When I was a student and my brothers were students, he’d constantly, loudly complain we were “disrespectful” to him. Which is to say, we didn’t display the absolute servility he assumed he deserved.




I have never understood this sort of behaviour. This isn’t just catcalling as a woman happens to walk by you. He had to make the arrangements, figure out the timing so he was almost there when the husband was home but not quite, and, perhaps most interestingly, stop just short of giving her a good reason to call the cops.

That’s a lot of work just for the opportunity to be a total asshole for a few minutes. And, if one factors in patriarchy, he knows she has a husband. Who he’s not going to see. Who could be a cop, or a bouncer, or a professional mixed martial arts fighter.

I guess that’s the thrill of it. He gets to break the rules and be “naughty”. But it’s depending a lot on no-one else breaking the rules.


I used to listen on a hotline this one pervy guy who would put ads in the local alternative paper for “art models” and then he would deliberately get uncomfortably close to them as he sketched them. I was at times convinced he had some bodies under the floor. Do not underestimate how much work creeps will got through to creep out.


Unfuck this feckless complicit twunt:


Secondarily, they flock to art or photography specifically because of the ambiguity of the work relationship, which poisons the well for those of us who are legitimately trying to accomplish something.

Sure, it happens that artists and models feel attraction and get it on, but done properly, there’s a major hurdle of consent to cross first.

We used to have this old guy in our art class who was always toeing the line. He’d generally only show up if there was a nude, make noises of approval, and just be terrible at trying to get any better. He was a disruption, but always stopped short of being blatantly offensive.


In the 8th grade - which would’ve been 1977-1978, I had to attend a rape prevention seminar; I attended Hamilton Middle School in the Detroit Public School system. Any men out there ever have to do anything like that IN THE 8TH GRADE? I wasn’t even BLEEDING yet!