Not Feminism 101


As I implied in my post, I don’t really use the term, so I don’t really have an opinion about whether or not he should qualify as one.

My point was that the people who like throwing the term around use it to describe anyone to the left of Andrew Anglin, so Pope Francis easily qualifies. For example.



I used to get really frustrated that I couldn’t even get a “no” from women on dating sites. But then I learned that this is the kind of thing that happens to women who say “no.”


Wow, that’s fucked up.

“You have no reason to say no…”

Sure we women do; many of them:

  • You make me feel uncomfortable.

  • I don’t like you.

  • I’m interested in dating other people, just not you.

  • I don’t like the way you look.

  • Your refusal to take no for an answer is disturbing.

  • Whatever I want from Tinder, you’re not it.

  • You’re ‘real,’ alright; a real bully.

  • Your poor grammatical skills tell me we’re not compatible.

  • You are clearly not in my “best self interest.”

  • You’re an asshole, alright; but not because of how women react to you.

  • Your lack of respect for others’ boundaries identifies you as a potential predator.

  • Save feeling sorry for yourself; you’re clearly thirsty as fuck.



It’s horrible to think, but I hope she’s keeping his deets on file, so that if anything happens (to her or someone else), there’s a paper-trail.


Surprising that she didn’t choose him. He sounds like a real winner. smh


That is an epic level of fucked up.

I am so glad I don’t have to date in a social media world.



This is like a Rosetta stone of creeper behavior:

'1. Whenever someone mentions how “rational” they are, look out. Rational seems to be internet slang for lacking in empathy.
2a. Is this guy not clear on the concept of dating? You can reject anyone at any time. Rejection is part of the game. Get rejected, put on your big boy pants, dust yourself off, move on. She is not required to date him simply because she wants to date someone.
2b. See also, “but I bought you a drink”
4a. Children eventually learn to stop throwing tantrums if they don’t get what they want.
4b. I don’t think she has to wonder that’s wrong with guys. She already knows.
'11. From the tone of this conversation, I think it’s in her best self interest to not get raped and murdered, which is why she’s not engaging this chucklefuck.
'12. AHAHAHAHAHAHAWHAHWHAHAHAHA… oh wait he’s serious.
'13. Strangely ominous. Is he promising to be the creepiest creeper to ever creep?
'14. Blaming other people for one’s own emotional responses? But I thought he was the “rational” one.
'16. Pot, meet kettle.
'17. I’m making you uncomfortable, so I’m gonna demand that you leave :confused:
'18. Says the guy who is still messaging a woman 18 messages after she told him to stop.
'20. Yes, I always fall madly in love with people who tell me I’m so stupid it’s sad.
'22. Given the alternative, being alone isn’t so bad.
'23. “Grandma, how did you and grandpa meet?” “He told me to kill myself over the internet, and the rest is history”
'24. If it’s such a waste, why are you still messaging 24 messages after she told you to stop? When something is a waste of my time, I stop wasting my time on it and move on like a big boy.

This is fucking horrifying. He is in no control over his emotions, nor does he want to be. If he ever meets a woman in real life, he will probably rape and/ or murder her, then spend all his time in prison blaming her for it. I’m not even exaggerating. About 1 in 12 men is a rapist… sometimes it’s an unassuming guy who might be a church deacon or little league coach, and sometimes (as in this case) the rapist basically says “yo, over here, I’m a rapist”. I have no idea how women deal with this fucking bullshit day in and day out.


Maybe you don’t, and maybe I choose not to, but it saddens me greatly to think that an entire generation is growing up to think that this fuckery is normal and acceptable.


I love that you enumerated.


I’m sorry there were messages to enumerate


But also this happened:


Dude… the lady said NO. That means you fuck off and swipe right (left?) on another girl. Seriously this isn’t hard.


In indeed, count your blessings.

What happened to #3, though?

I don’t even know how Tinder works, outside of the swiping format;

On Bumble, if a woman swipes right (rejecting the other person) then that person can’t initiate contact with her; there has be a ‘mutual swipe left’ in order to communicate.


I didn’t go through all of them. Didn’t have the time or energy. There was some stuff between 4 and 11 implying she was shallow or whatever, and then the stuff after 18 was especially horrific and merited no discussion


But even if he did pick fights with bikers and cops, that wouldn’t be an excuse either


Crossover with the TERFs?


A week after tweeting about serious misconduct by a powerful man in my field (ish), I’ve come to the conclusion that women cannot try to solve misconduct personally. I spoke to him individually, and that allowed him to bury my complaint, and refuse to make any changes to the way he interacts with women.

I hate this. I hate that male supremacy is so strong that even “the good ones” will snow women under. I hate that the identity of “fairly nice, direct person” isn’t welcome in our society. I hate that my advice to younger women will always have to be “Scream. Report. Tweet.” But here we are. For the men reading, I hope all of you, in whatever capacities you have power, will advocate for transparent procedures so that our future doesn’t have to be one of mutual distrust.