Not Feminism 101

While I have been to one as it was in the mall I worked at and was what was open after shift was over mostly, I have come to realize I would rather go to a strip club as at least they are honest about what their patrons are there for.


And they have better wings at the strip club.

No, seriously, they do. What is up with that?


It’s one of the few real products the house sells, it’s all appetizer stuff that could be churned out well and consistently with a conveyor-like process in the kitchen, so it doesn’t have to be expensive.


A study on “parenting,” and here are the questions in the survey.


“Dairy Air?”

That doesn’t even sound appetizing, never mind the poorly conceived logo; plus they seem like idiots from a managerial standpoint, only having their shop open 4 days out of a week…


Yeah, I’d say the radical liberals were at the bottom of their list of troubles.

Oooh, thanks to your post I just got the pun (I’m slow but I get there). A basic lesson in cow anatomy might have helped too.


Yeah… associating a dairy food product they hoped to sell with a cow’s ass might not have been the wisest idea.


Yes, but it’s the cow’s ass that gives dairy farms their distinctive air.


Seriously? Because dads aren’t capable of being over-bearing control freaks attempting to live vicariously through their carefully bubble-wrapped kid?


Looking at the screenshots, I assumed it was from a subsection of the questionnaire titled Tell me about your mother.


Well, at least they’re encouraging replicants to attend college…


The literal story of my marriage breaking down. All his friends were like him and their marriages also seemed super crap. Only his one good friend who seemed more in touch with his feminine (slightly) seemed like he had a reasonable decent marriage, especially considering that that guy’s wife had the emotional maturity of a 5th grader.


I would send this to my ex, except that would mean contacting him. He wasn’t really into the self-reliance thing, although he talked the talk a lot, since he was perfectly happy for his mum and me to wait on him. He even expected it.

But he absolutely refused to seek counselling for his depression (and he had the angry kind, not the quiet kind). From what he said, it seemed the sexism was one of the things he was worried a counsellor would discover about him.

I wonder what such a study would show for sexist women.




What stands out about this one is the lack of urgency on the part of the police. This woman got the message, did the reporting.


From the article

This situation was completely fucked


I was talking to my husband about this. He did domestic violence law in TX for a while (these were hard times on our marriage - he was very paranoid and afraid). Apparently something that is a real problem is the free speech issue and free association issue. Like, women would have their exes standing on the sidewalk outside their apartments day and night, and judge would just be like “Well, he has a legal right to be there.”

I don’t know what the solution to that is. I feel like there has to be some better balance than “Your legal rights are absolute 100% of the time” and … the fact that I felt squicked out typing that as a bad thing.

And honestly, I’m a little sensitive about it right now. I was invited to speak to a code of conduct committee for a professional society of which I’m a member about a situation I’ve written about here before, where a senior male in my field physically intimidated me. He is also a member. And they listened, and were like “Well, didn’t happen at one of our events so we’ll keep letting him host meetings for us and travel alone with female staff ¯_(ツ)_/¯” It seems like for women, there’s always a Konami code of things that must be done (or done to you) in the precise right order to get justice or to protect other women. But for men, that code is “Yeah, I’m going to assault or kill you now, k thx bai.” I know that’s a private actor, not a state one. But he’s going to hurt someone, and I’m going to feel responsible, but it’ll be on them.

There has to be a better balance. There just has to. How do we get there?


When I was in Grade 10, we did a civics unit in history class. The teacher made sure we took a closer look at laws which might affect teenagers, and one of them was the laws about assault. Bear in mind this is for Canada, not the US.

“Attempted assault” legally occurs when the victim perceives the actions to be threatening. So standing outside of someone’s apartment day & night would count.

Now, as usual, getting a conviction would be something else again if no violence has happened (and even then).