In a book with interviews with celebrities about their first time having sexual intercourse, Loretta Lynn called the clitoris “that deelybop”, and marveled at how WONDERFUL sex was after she figured out what it was for.
It was published in the 1970s; Mae West was still alive to share her experience, lol.
EDIT: I just found the book, it’s entitled “The First Time”, copyrighted in 1975. And it’s a “deelybob” not a “deelybop”.
That scene in “Coal Miner’s Daughter“!
More in-depth thread:
Also works well if you replace “man” with “white person”:
A lovely thread:
You posting these sorts of things is one reason why I love you, you wonderful gal, ya!!!
Thank you!
Oh look, Coney Barrett is the exact extremist we warned them she was
A secretary used to be the most important position next to the executive they were a secretary to…back when they were men. They were like the deputy executive.
There’s a reason it shares a root with “secret”. Secretaries had access to all the information.
Then as women moved in, it was decided that they couldn’t be trusted to keep secrets in their ladybrains and so became the mechanisms by which coffee was delivered and unimportant correspondence sent in or out. Information became the realm of the file clerk, who needed to be a man on account of shelves being high and file boxes heavy. Then women proved they could climb ladders and file boxes didn’t weigh much more than toddlers. And so on, and so forth.
That’s right, folks. Those job requirements where you need to be able to lift 40 lbs? They’re ableist as fuck, but were originally designed along sexist lines. Some jobs require it, but far less than the amount that actually list it. Just like most minimum height requirements are racist and sexist, too.
Tell me about it. I used to be a great administrative assistant/secretary in the 1990s, but now that I can’t lift all those heavy files, it’s as much a factor to me getting a job as my spotty work record is!
Oh, and just an addendum: I’ve found women managers are worse than male managers. I’ve rarely had good interactions with them; in fact, one has flipped into a Jesus freak/T**** supporter. It’s like they get all DEFENSIVE if a woman they feel is more competent than they are - whether she is or not.
Like, I just wanna work and make money to pay off my debt. Leave your fucking hangups at home. And that’s why I have a hard time working under others. I have no problem accepting orders or whatever, but when I’m treated less-than before, during and/or after those orders…um, NO.
Read this thread.
Why in this thread? Because if your feminism doesn’t address also work on the racism, or the ableism, transphobia or any of the other prejudices, and simply focuses on what’s best for white, cis-women… it’s just another form of supremacy. As the title states, this is not 101. And a lot of hateful movements have been allowed to flourish under the mantle of “defending and uplifting women.”
So, let’s listen to this man. He speaks truth.
Which is why I came to the simple conclusion that’s it’s about the HAVES vs the HAVE-NOTS - the latter being those who do NOT have ability/belief-system/gender/material/racial equality to the former. But that’s just me. (Did I leave anything out?)
EW, like Gwyneth Paltrow’s.