Not Feminism 101

Ugh. As someone with a family, there are lots of places I can and do go in NOLA with my kids that aren’t Bourbon Street. If there are concerns about human trafficking, work with the ladies who work there to resolve it.


I lurve Dr. Gunter so much!!
Shes the best!!


New Orleans, my old stomping grounds. The police is so corrupt it’s insane. Who knows what is fueling this crackdown, but it sure ain’t family values, because that is just not how it works in Nola.


Nope… I bet it has to do with Landrieu’s political ambitions more than anything else… and making way for large corporations down in the French Quarter. You can’t have a Chilis across the way from a strip club, after all!


That would be disgusting. They better not do that.


I bet it’s coming - or something similar, at least - maybe more upscale chains only on Burboun. they’ll keep the footprint of the Quarter, and make businesses that want to come in conform to that building style, but I bet within a decade or so, the strip clubs and open bars are all but gone from Bourbon St.

When we went last (3 years ago now, maybe?) There are more chain places along Canal than I remember, just outside the Quarter. Shutting down strip clubs because of “trafficking” would be another stop in that direction. The same thing happened to Time’s Square, of course. This what mayors (and governors) do now, help gentrify cities in the name of “cleaning” them up and making them “safe” for families. Never mind that families already exist there, even in not in “traditional” configurations.

Now I’m depressed. I hope the strippers take down the city government!


This is a bit tangential, but I feel in line for the thread. Is it just my paranoia, or does “family friendly” seem like a short-hand that means “wives and daughters” and probably even more specifically “proper women over 12”?

Preteen and teenage girls are definitely one of the most disrespected groups of women in the US, but most moral crises seem to be focused around teenage girls becoming harlots because of puberty. The biggest target of hatred in media tends to be female oriented young adult media even when it is comparatively tame (Twilight), there seems to be a view that a teen having a drink or hearing the word fuck will magically transform them into some sort of monster, and that everything teenage-girl related is that of a ticking time-bomb you have to protect until they are old enough to be responsible like a boy (or under the control of a husband).


Yep. Chili’s is disgusting. Get them out, bring more strip clubs in.

Yes, I’m serious.


Hey! I like onions fried like that!


Yes, I think that’s accurate, so not at all off-topic in this thread. Apparently either our delicate sensibilities can’t take seeing other women’s tits and people getting puke drunk or we are so impressionable, we’ll all immediately end up sex trafficked or drunk on Bourbon street, pregnant from all the men we’re sleeping with because we happened to see a strip club at 12!

It’s until they are in the hands of a responsible husband, more like. Our choices are always and forever seconded-guessed, because we’re not seen as fit to run our own affairs… we need men for that.

Because you’re a good and decent human being.


Which is what makes New Orleans interesting, because it is quite common to see teenagers publicly drinking - there are bars known as teen bars, and in the Carnival parades out in the suburbs, you’ll seen packs of teen girls walking up and down the parade routes ahead of the parades, drinking strong drinks together. Having grown up in Alabama with all the bullshit cotillion stuff, Mardi Gras is a whole other animal.


I often hesitate to post to this thread; not my place, and I don’t want to be obnoxious. But I do come across a lot of interesting feminism-related debates during my political news obsessing.

As well as the Bourbon Street thing, there are also interesting arguments on Twitter today about F1 “Grid Girls” and a big blowup around Rose McGowan losing her shit with a trans woman.

SWERF and TERF seems to be a hot topic right now.


Regarding Rose McGowan, she was heckled and she yelled back and security had to remove the heckler. Its being painted as transphobic and I think thats a shame. Don’t come to book readings and scream at authors. Its a bad look on anyone.


There have been rumblings in the trans community about Rose saying TERFie things for months; there’s history under this. And Rose is throwing petrol on the fire today…



I’m more troubled that she wants an apology from the audience. How does that even work?


Heckling a survivor ain’t cool. Thats all I’m going to say.


There was more than one survivor in that conversation.


Yes, but you still don’t do it, regardless of your reasons.


An example of how a false equivalency can be used to make it seem that things are worse for men:


Okay, I’ll bite. In the grand scheme of things, how are fast-casual restaurants like Chili’s (or is it Chili’s specifically?) a more regrettable blot on the pinafore of humanity than your garden-variety strip club? I’ve been to both venues (neither by my own choice, come to think of it) and been served some halfhearted pandering meant to appeal to some of my least-civilized appetites by underpaid students busting their asses for an exploitative boss in both places. In my experience, the soundtrack is slightly better at the titty bar, and the upholstery is slightly less suspect at the Chili’s. I suspect I’d rather work at the Chili’s, since I don’t imagine I’d attract the high-rolling tippers even at Jumbo’s Clown Room.

I’m sure I’m missing a larger ethical point, but y’all are my pals, and I hope you’ll enlighten me.