I have made spiced roasted nuts in the past for Christmas. However, my wife bought pre-roasted nuts instead of raw. I am trying to find a recipe that uses theses and I’m having a difficult time because my Google search assumes I want to roast them. Any suggestions?
So, if I get this right, your problem is that the recipe calls for you to coat the nuts in a liquid, and then put it in the oven until the nuts are cooked and the liquid has boiled away, but the nuts are already cooked, so you need a way to boil the liquid away without cooking the nuts further.
Is that right?
If you have a dehydrator (or know a friend who does), that would appear to be the ideal solution. Next best would seem to be a convection oven, turned on at minimum heat.
If neither of those… Do you have a hair dryer? Mine has a setting that allows you to blow air but not heat, which would seem to be ideal.
I’m just about to make bourbon roasted almonds in a few hours.
For that recipe, the almonds get toasted in the oven, then left in a mixing bowl to cool a little. While that’s happening, I make the rosemary bourbon mixture. The mixture gets poured onto the nuts in the bowl, stirred through, and then the whole thing is spread on a greased cookie sheet to cool and let the praline mixture set. One everything is at room temperature, any stuck-together nuts are broken apart.
So if I had already-toasted almonds, I could just skip to making the rosemary bourbon caramel mixture and go from there.
Hope that helps.
I never knew I needed this in my life. Thank you
Now we just need a recipe.
I think I posted it here a long time ago, but in any case:
3 cups/750mL whole shelled almonds
1/3 cup/76g minced fresh rosemary
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp coarse salt
1/4 tsp ground cayenne pepper
1 cup/250mL packed brown sugar
1/4 cup/60mL bourbon
2 tbl water
Preheat the oven to 375F/190C. Place the almonds in a single layer on a baking sheet and toast in the oven until golden and fragrant, approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Remove and set aside in a heatproof mixing bowl.
In a small bowl, combine the rosemary, cumin, salt, and ground cayenne pepper. In a saucepan, bring the brown sugar, bourbon, and water to a boil over medium heat. Continue boiling for 10 minutes. Add the spices and stir in quickly. Pour over the almonds and stir to coat them completely. Transfer the nuts to a buttered baking sheet and separate with a fork while they are still warm. Cool before serving.
Store in a container with a tight lid.
ETA: photo. Sometimes they come out grainier, sometimes stickier; I’d say this is about the ideal. The almonds absorbed a lot of the spice and sugar mixture as they cooled.
A little burbon for the nuts…a little bourbon for the cook…
To be honest, I’ve never got into drinking the stuff (although I do like a nice dram of whisky on a cold night). A bottle of bourbon can last me years, depending on how many batches of almonds I make.
I love you
Thanks everybody for all of the suggestions. Using a convection oven is an excellent idea because there is a fine line between toasty and burned. Also I’ll try the Bourbon nut recipe for New Year’s.
Is there a recipe for what your wife bought the toasted ones for originally?